< Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can/Awesome

  • Frank Abagnale has a ton of nice moments (that show he has balls of rock), but the best one is when Agent Hanratty walks into the hotel room that Leo's been using to forge cheques with gun out, Frank steps out of the bathroom, never misses a beat in pretending to be a Secret Service agent and then, once the FBI agent has lowered his gun... asks to see some ID. Balls of rock? Fuck it, he's got balls of titanium.
  • Far more incredibly, the entire movie is based off a true story. It is basically a Crowning Life of Awesome. This troper heartily recommends the book on which the movie is based.
  • How did Abagnale fake his way into practicing law in Louisiana? Simple: he studied for the bar exam, took the test, and passed it. For once in his life, Frank Abagnale "faked it" by actually becoming a licensed attorney.
  • After Frank Jr. moves to a new school, he pretends to be a substitute teacher to get back at a bully. He does this successfully for a week.
  • Frank manages to outfox the FBI with nothing but a suit, an empty wallet, some food labels, and a decoy.
  • The fact that after being convicted, his expertise got him a responsible job in the FBI, and when he was through with that, he became a millionaire legitimately.
  • In an 'interview' with the FBI where Hanratty is trying to persuade his boss to hire Frank, Frank only has to pick up a cheque to tell it's fake (amazing the boss), noting that the paper is too thick and flexes wrong, and then adds thats the ink smells wrong and is too heavy to confirm his analysis.
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