< Castle Crashers

Castle Crashers/YMMV

  • Awesome Music: Winterbliss and Race Around the World are both awesome tracks.
    • You know you're in for a treat when even the title music sounds epic...
    • Also Factory, techock, and Simple Sight.
  • Demonic Spiders: Beefy enemies fall under this. They don't flinch from normal hits, they do tons of damage, they throw you everywhere, and they almost always appear with normal enemies. Also, Fire Demons. Nigh-immune to fire damage, lots of HP, and they love to spam magic.
    • The Black Knights of Full Moon do also, as they're the strongest physical-fighting enemies in the game, and they come out en masse. Taken to extremes with beefy Black Knights...
      • All of the above doubly applies to most enemies in the game under Insane Difficulty, especially if you're going at it alone.
  • Game Breaker: The Industrialist and the Fencer. Their splash attack is what is referred to as the "boss killer".
    • Hawkster. The game tells you he attacks enemies when they're knocked down. What it doesn't tell you is that he also lifts fruit off of dying enemies. Like, constantly. Makes Insane Mode way easier.
  • Goddamned Bats: Literal bats, scorpions in the desert, and the Thieves all fit this trope. Stupid arrows.
  • Good Bad Bug: The boomerang glitch lets you grind level way faster than with standard game play.
    • Removed with a patch, though still possible on unpatched versions.
    • If you stand in a certain spot when fighting Pipistrello, he never stops attacking you, which means he never takes flight or summons minions, and his attack is slow and blockable which lets the player get in a lot of hits. Abusing this is generally accepted as the only way to beat him solo on Insane.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The Necromancer boss is a winged knight that spawns mooks and has epic rock music as BGM. Gee, sound familiar?
  • That One Achievement: The Final Countdown, which requires surviving the "Back Off Barbarian" minigame (present only in Remastered versions of the game, where it replaces "All You Can Quaff" from the original) until at least 2 minutes and 30 seconds have passed. The enemies get very aggressive as time goes on, and controlling your character in this mode is surprisingly difficult.
  • That One Boss: The Catfish. While it may not be hard to avoid its attacks, every other boss lets you bring your friends back if they go down. However, on Catfish, when your 3 friends go down 15 seconds in, it's one Level 10 player doing 1/4 damage versus a 600 HP behemoth with 1 5-second window for damage every minute. In other words, 10 minutes of hearing nothing but "Screw this game, man, let's play something else."
    • If you picked the Tin Man or Fencer, and shoved your points onto magic, that boss would have been dead before you said "oh, hell yea".
    • The Conehead Groom can also apply if you're the bare minimum level. He's fast, hits harder, is almost impossible to juggle, and can rain a volley of bombs down on you with his cannons.
  • That One Level: Full Moon, especially on Insane Mode.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Despite the girly appearance and attacks, Tom Fulp confirmed that the Pink Knight is male.
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