Casebook Trilogy

"Come on Partner. We got work to do."
John Burton

The Casebook Trilogy is a mystery game set in New Zealand. The Gameplay is through Full Motion Video and you play as a a rookie detective who is a man of few words. Your partner is Burton, a veteran of the force.

The Gameplay is that you take photos of a fully 3d real life room. You then take those photos and have them examined by the Lab Rat and do minigames to see results and match analyzed clues together.

Anyway the game starts off with you on your first day on the job trying to solve a Kidnapping Case. You do so and then you are whisked off to a murder investigation. Sounds like your standard CSI "Get the guy at the end" right? Not exactly.

However this game is a trilogy in the exact sense that The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is one, in that there are another three episodes planned. The reason for this is that Casebook Trilogy sounds better.

Tropes used in Casebook Trilogy include:

"It's a bunch of women standing around a log. Okay....."

  • Bedlam House: The apartments in the second case used to be one then were made into an apartment complex. Burton says that the people staying there haven't change at all.
  • Cassandra Truth: First Case Two victim: "Someone keeps breaking into my apartment."
  • Complete Monster: The Big Bad.
  • Cowboy Cop: Subverted by Burton. He doesn't act at all like this. Until the Big Bad breaks into his house and leaves him a painting.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: The ending to Case One where the father and the kids thank you and Burton for rescuing them.
    • Also in Episode Zero it turns out Aunt Margaret had been sleepwalking and took the food and the urn and had been making sandwiches for her husband and talking about old stories.
  • The CSI Effect: Played with. The results are way too fast but that can easily be explained by Acceptable Breaks From Reality. What causes it to be played with is that partials are pretty much useless and results can take a while to get back.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Burton is this. This leads to a lot of hilarious comments. Especially when you find a Forensics for Dummies book in The Big Bad's apartment.

(Sacrastic) "He knows all our secrets."

"He made it personal once he broke into my house and left that painting."

(Looking at an old Fan) "I gave that to Aunt Margaret. It was my biggest fan. Now I got a bigger one."

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