A horror-comedy webcomic hosted on Drunk Duck that follows the events surrounding an Amusement Park of Doom. The cast is made up entirely of rather cynical Undead. It is currently in its first story arc, a battle between the employees and zombies, that seems likely to draw to a close in a few weeks. Features plenty of Gorn and Black Humor.
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Tropes used in Carnies include:
- Amusement Park of Doom
- Beat Still My Heart: Freddy gets his heart torn out by ride while being hazed.
- Cast of Snowflakes: Despite their decomposed appearance or being skeletons, each character has a unique appearance thanks to a wide variety of outfits.
- Dem Bones: Many of the cast members are skeletons.
- The Faceless: Every living human being; specifically chosen because the living don't really matter to the cast.
- Expressive Mask: Steven and to an extent the entire cast since none of them actually have proper faces.
- Gorn: Played for laughs, making it also...
- Improvised Weapon User: Steven seems to be well on the way to becoming one of these, having used both an umbrella and a carousel pony as weapons.
- Our Zombies Are Different: The zombies may have a supernatural origin and have fangs.
- The Undead: The rest of the cast.
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