< Cardfight!! Vanguard

Cardfight!! Vanguard/Heartwarming

  • The flashback. Yes, that flashback. The one where kid Kai gives kid Aichi Blaster Blade. To clarify, Aichi's been beaten up half-to-hell, walking along bruised and battered, and Kai comes from pretty much nowhere. And gives him Blaster Blade, which in canon is an uber-rare hard-to-get card. He proceeds to give Aichi a pep talk, telling him to imagine himself as strong as the warrior depicted on the card, and that one day, he would be as strong as Blaster Blade. While Aichi isn't there yet, Kai's gift and the pep talk have pretty much started him on his way, added to by his taking-up of Vanguard.
  • A short, but sweet moment in episode 13: As the final match in the Card Shop Tournament between Kai and Kamui begins, Morikawa notices Aichi still upset about his loss to Kamui. He and Izaki go to cheer him up and watch the match with them
    • This combined with everyone's reaction to Kai, Kamui, Misaki, and Aichi teaming up to join the Vanguard National Championship gives the last few minutes of the episode a slight Tastes Like Diabetes feeling.
  • Misaki has every reason to pull out of Vanguard fights considering what happened to her in the past and how the fights bring back those memories against her will. The heartwarming part is when Shin helps her remember that Vanguard fights also bring back kind and warm memories of the past as well, pulling her out of her depression.
  • Any scene where the the members of the Royal Paladins are giving smiles of encouragement to King of Knights, Alfred is this. Words aren't necessary to realize that the Royal Paladins are the embodiment of The Power of Friendship.
  • Episode 50. The reunion with Aichi and Blaster Blade. That is all.
  • In Episode 56, the Royal Paladins make their point clear without words, no matter what Aichi has done and no matter how dark things are, he is not alone. Because they're there for him. Neatly summed up in one sentence which is both a Crowning Moment of Awesome and Crowning Moment of Heartwarming:

Aichi: Sharon... you came for me.

  • Episode 64. Aichi's soft and cheerful tone makes this one line particularly touching.

Psyqualia!Aichi: "Long time no see, Blaster Dark. It's finally time for your attack."

    • YMMV, though. It was also played for creepiness.
  • Episode 65:
    • Aichi's last use of the phrase "Picture it" during his finishing move against Ren. The following speech is incredibly heartwarming, especially in contrast to how the phrase had been used until that point during the PSY Qualia-filled match.
    • The understated, but definitely present reconciliation between Ren and Kai.
    • At the very end of the episode, Kai finally acknowledges that Aichi truly has become strong, and challenges him to a fight.
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