< Cardcaptor Sakura

Cardcaptor Sakura/Headscratchers

  • Even if Sakura failed to convert all of the Clow Cards shouldn't the one's associated with the Sun have survived, since it's established that Kero doesn't need to draw magic from someone else because he's associated with the Sun.
    • Except the cards don't route power through Kero or Yue, they route power through their creator - Clow (and later Sakura when she remade them). Kero just rules the Sun aligned cards, he doesn't power them. Just like the Moon aligned cards, the Sun aligned are basically on batteries until they're linked to Sakura's star.
      • What I mean is shouldn't the Sun aligned cards be able to generate their own power, just like Kero generates his own power?
        • Well, no, they're running on stored power like all the other cards. It's basically just a term dividing them under the guardians' rule.
    • I think there is a mistranslation going on here. Cerberus DOES need to draw magic from Sakura like everyone else--he says so in vol 7 when he's talking to Yue. What he actually says is that he can eat food to give himself enough energy to get by when he doesn't receive enough magic from Sakura to sustain him (unlike Yue, for whom this apparently does not work...), but he still relies on her support.
  • Why in God's name would you keep trying to tell someone you love vital information, relevant to their survival, through the SAME EXACT CIRCUMSTANCES that have gotten you interrupted and derailed the conversation a hundred times before? If I were Toya I'd have sequestered Yukito in a house and locked all the doors and windows first, just to get the hell away from Nakuru.
    • More like the Yaoi Fangirls were just annoyed (at both him and Nakuru) for not just saying something already and moving on.
    • Probably caused by a pacing change from the manga, which didn't spend nearly as much time getting to the climax as the anime and resolved the disappearing plotline halfway through the second arc. In the manga, the conversation only got derailed a handful of times before Touya got fed up, locked Nakuru out, and told Yukito he knew what was going on. The anime, not wanting to solve one of the most alarming issues too soon, waited until the arc was almost over to save Yukito, and ended up turning Nakuru's interruptions into an Overly Long Gag.
  • It doesn't really bug me (although it does fit in Fridge Logic), but am I the only one that found it absolutely hilarious when the title actually split Card and Captor with the justification being the dub? The irony of course being that people are willing to literally desecrate the franchise name as a result of complaining about the dub descecrating the franchise name. Not only that, it's a Critical Research Failure, as IMDB kindly points out.
  • It bugs me how in the anime Sakura is completely oblivious to how unsettling Tomoyo's stalker-esque behaviour is. In the manga it's mentioned when Sakura introduces her to the reader that Tomoyo is pretty weird, but the anime just has Sakura accepting her from the start. Maybe I'm wrong, but the entire "Sakura learns to accept that Tomoyo is insane" thing seems to really get toned down.
    • Maybe Sakura puts up with her because she's rich, nice and it's good to have someone you can trust when you suddenly gain magic powers.
    • The fact that Tomoyo is her cousin and they've been friends for a long time might be a tad helpful in "putting up" with her.
    • Nah, it's the money, I don't talk to my cousins anymore and they're not even insane.
    • In case you didn't notice, Sakura tends to be kinda slow.
  • The name "Cardcaptors" itself bugs me. Li is not a Cardcaptor! He doesn't capture one single card. He has weakened or outsmarted cards who chose him after Sakura caught them, but Sakura still had to catch each one first.
    • 'Cardcaptors' is just the dub title. The original Japanese title is 'Cardcaptor Sakura' in the singular.
    • Duh. We're not talking about the original title, we're talking about the word "Cardcaptors." This isn't an issue of translation or adaptation, it's an issue of fact. Li doesn't capture cards. He can wield cards, so Cardwielders or Card Magicians or the like would be perfectly okay, but he can't capture cards. So where did the dubbers get the idea that they can pluralize Sakura's title?
      • While he can't actually seal cards, he does capture a few of them, in the anime at least--he played a key role in weakening several cards, to the point where they chose him as their owner after being sealed--notably, I specifically remember the Time card going to him, because he didn't use another card to shield himself from its power. So while he can't seal cards, he does capture them, and he refers to himself as a cardcaptor on a few occasions.
    • Don't forget that the name was chosen by people who didn't understand the story. Heck, it's highly possible that nobody at Nelvana has a look at the original script.
  • How come Tomoyo, being so smart and confident, never got to say her feelings to Sakura? Hers are no weaker then Li's, why then she said: "they better stay in my heart"? Or is it just anime fault?
    • Tomoyo's love for Sakura is so deep that she only wants for Sakura to be happy. Realising that Sakura has no romantic feelings for her, Tomoyo not only accepts Sakura and Li's feelings for each other, but goes out of her way to bring them together. It's selflessness (though some might call it stupidity).
    • She did say her feelings, at the athletics festival. Sakura didn't understand, so Tomoyo decided to wait. Then Syaoran showed up and fell in love with Sakura and Sakura started to fall in love with him. Tomoyo again tried to explain how she felt (in a hypothetical way this time, without naming Sakura as the one she loved), and Sakura again didn't pick up on it.
      • Plus, as Tomoyo herself said, if you truly love someone, you'll want them to be happy, even if they aren't with you. Tomoyo was wise beyond her years, and realized that Sakura and Syaoran loved each other, and that Sakura would be happiest with him, not knowing, rather than carrying the burden of knowing that she had to turn down her best friend.
  • Eriol/Clow looks damn creepy most of the time, with his constantly half-lidded eyes and Cryptic Conversation penchant. Right after he shows up, and in most situations he's near to, a magical disturbance happens. Why does no one pick up on it?! Come on, people! Magic does not atrophy brain-cells/common sense!
    • The only ones who'd notice the magical disturbances just finished cleaning up two seasons worth of magical disturbances where he wasn't present. Why would they suddenly think the new kid is responsible for things that are like things that have been happening for months? Besides, they aren't the most observant folks in their world (ref. Sakura completely missing Tomoyo's feelings).
  • How did that book get into their basement? Also, if magic in inherited, wouldn't it have reacted to Sakura's father?
    • The father didn't have magic powers though, didn't he? They all ended up with Eriol, didn't they?
    • That's right. When Clow reincarnated, all the powers (and memories, apparently) went to Eriol, whereas the rest of him, the part that just wanted to be a normal person and raise a family, went to Fujitaka.
      • Well, technically speaking, most of the power (at least half) went into the cards and into Sakura. The whole reason for the plot was Clow wanting to dial down his power level, after all
      • Actually, the reason for the plot was that Clow couldn't divide his own powers, but he knew that Sakura could. As for the book - Fujitaka probably had it all along (although he may not have been aware of it). 'Reincarnation' isn't really the right word - it is implied in the manga that Fujitaka and Eriol were created rather than born; Fujitaka has no memory of his childhood because he never had one.
    • Also, Fujitaka is an archaeology professor and has an entire basement of books. It's highly conceivable that he noticed the Clow at a used book sale somewhere, thought it was nifty looking and picked it up with the intention of studying it someday.
  • What the heck is up with Twin Bells? Even after the "curse" had been lifted, it still was a Weirdness Magnet with a naive shopkeeper. Who kept sending her weird magical artifacts?
    • Eriol? Yuuko, maybe?
  • How does Yukito have a house? Clothes? Food? He doesn't have any real grandparents, either, yet, he never notices.
    • And speaking about grandparents, when he rescued Sakura from the Illusion card from drowning (in the manga), he takes her to his home. Sakura finds herself with different clothes, and Yukito tells her that it was his grandmother who changed her clothes... but if Yukito lives alone...
      • Maybe it was Yue?
      • He probably just told her that to calm her nerves. Imagine knowing that the person you like just stripped you down and changed your clothes? It's quite obviously nothing pedophilic, seeing as Yukito is, well, gay, and for Sakura's older brother at that.
  • If you watch the timeline in which CCS takes place very closely, you'll realize that there is a serious inconsistency where Touya (and by extension, Yukito) is concerned. CCS takes place over three years--the first arc takes up two (there were about 5-6 months before hand we didn't even see in the canon), and the second arc takes up another year on its own. When the series starts, Sakura has just started her fourth year of elementary school, and Touya and Yukito have just started their second year of high school. We know this because it is said a year later that Touya met Yukito in his first year of high school, since Yukito has been a character all along, we must therefore conclude that this is their second year. But there are only 3 years of high school in Japan. If Touya and Yukito were in their second year of high school when the series began, why are they apparently still in high school two years later?
    • This is a result of the manga taking place over a much shorter timeframe, with the anime adding a whole bunch of padding and extra cards without really correcting the timeline. CCS doesn't actually take place over three years, it takes place over ONE.
    • It does take place over almost three years. In the manga when Sakura meets Syaoron for the first time, she said that she had been looking for the cards for 9 months. Also by the end of the series before the timeskip, Sakura was 12. So she start when she was 9 or 10 and has been going for almost 3 years.
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