Captain America: The First Avenger/Tear Jerker

  • "I had a date."
  • Bucky falling off a train to his death, with Steve screaming in despair for not being able to catch him. *sniffle*
  • The final conversation over the radio between Peggy and Steve. Them making plans to go dancing even though they both know Steve isn't going to make it and then the signal being cut off.

"It'll have to be a slow dance, I don't want to step on your--"

    • Even Phillips is trying not to cry, which somehow makes it sadder.
  • Howard Stark's reaction upon finding the Cosmic Cube: "Keep looking."
    • Double that if you remember what Nick Fury said about Howard in Iron Man 2. Howard later went on to become a founding member of SHIELD. That's right. Howard helped found a group that was undoubtedly named in Captain America's honor.
  • Dr. Erskine being shot and dying in Steve's arms. He's not able to talk in his final breaths, but points to Steve's heart to remind him that even with his new strength he must always stay true to who he really is. "A good man."
  • After Cap crashes the plane & is presumed dead, the film cuts to people celebrating the end of the war... and then we see the remnants of the Howling Commandos, sombrely raising a glass to their fallen friend whilst everyone around them is celebrating.
    • Made worse when you consider scenes like that ACTUALLY HAPPENED at the end of the real life war, as men toasted their fallen brothers.
  • The above is followed by a scene of the SSR closing up shop, as we see Peggy tearfully looking at Captain America's file, then opening it to reveal that she's looking at a picture of pre-Super-Soldier Serum Steve. That, coupled with the sombre music playing in the background never fails to make the tears flow.
  • "People forget that the first country the Nazis invaded was their own."
  • This troper's veteran father always tears up during "The Star Spangled Man" due to the sheer loving patriotism of the song.
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