Cantrip the Magic Rabbit
Cantrip the Magic Rabbit is a webcomic by Phil Gibson and Shon Howell.
This web comic has been on hold since 10th may 2010.
Tropes used in Cantrip the Magic Rabbit include:
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Goldie's got two of them, and twins no less! They're named Ronnie and Randy.
- Bad Dreams: Candice has a recurring nightmare involving a house. Goldie has one as well, but it is likely more of a Flash Back.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Dr. Tripp tends to fire these off at inopportune times -- as in, randomly inserting the names of incredibly ominous-sounding future plot elements into conversations in an attempt to jog Candice's memory.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Prudence Franklin, diminutive gal-pal of Goldie who just so happened to be struck by lightning in junior high.
- And many in the fandom believe that the lightning did more than just make her eccentric. The authors haven't said either way, but since there's been at least one mention of a future Atlantis story-arc, it wouldn't be prudent to put it outside the realm of possibility.
- Fetish Fuel: Dr. Tripp's maids.
- Five-Man Band: Though not yet confirmed, many hints seem to point to...
- The Hero - Candice
- The Lancer - Goldie
- The Smart Guy - Bianca Featherton
- The Rival - Parker Ames
- The Chick - Pammie Broadstreet
- Sixth Ranger - Devi Usher
- It may just be a coincidence, but that seems to fit together a bit too well.
- (Note on Parker: He is totally crushing on Goldie. And it seems that Candice might be as well, judging from how she kissed Goldie on the lips right out of the blue in Chapter One...)
- Goldie: "Y...You're tellin' me..."
- Former Child Star: Marigold "Goldie" Flutter is famous around town for starring in a series of car dealership commercials in her childhood.
- Harmless Electrocution: Averted hard with Prudence.
- Hot Teacher: Ms. Victoria Toley. Making Honors Algebra, Geometry and Economics foxey like never before.
- Mauve Shirt: Although it's unknown if this would really apply here, Prudence Franklin is a very likely contender for this trope; while she's not technically a central character, she's made quite a few appearances in the comic, she's shown up in a lot of art on the series, and if she showed up just a bit less frequently, her popularity might very well also qualify her for another trope.
- Mysterious Past: Candice Tripp, the eponymous magic rabbit, is the definition of this.
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