< Cannon God Exaxxion
Cannon God Exaxxion/Heartwarming
- Despite being rather narmy in places and frankly pretty squicky for various loli fanservice related reasons, the lovemaking scene between Hoichi and Akane still manages to count as this. It's less what's... "involved" as what it represents: in the midst of the roiling information war and mudslinging, Akane made love to Hoichi because she loved the true Hoichi, the one she knew before any of this started, and Hoichi didn't modify her perceptions or desires at all, even though he had the option to. This hammers home one of the series' Aesops, that life is worth living the most when you seek out the truth for yourself. It's also one of the big events that finally convinces Hoichi that the proper course of action is to take matters into his own hands, for the sake of the truth and Akane.
- On a different note (but still involving Akane, funnily enough) the "heart-to-heart" Akane and Isaka have is also touching, for various reasons. We get to understand what makes Akane tick, and the unique problems Isaka faces, and they understand each other a little better...
- A much, much sadder one is when Kin'ba sings her Riofaldian song atop the school after her students reject her, and Murata then comforts her. It's one of the few moments that makes it seem like the situation between the two races isn't completely hopeless.
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