Cannibal Ferox

Cannibal Ferox, also known as Make Them Die Slowly and Woman from Deep River is a 1981 exploitation horror film directed by Umberto Lenzi.
From beginning to end, it's a watered-down rip-off of Cannibal Holocaust.
Three college kids, Gloria (Lorraine De Selle), Rudy (Danilo Mattei) and Pat (Zora Kerova), out to write a thesis that cannibalism no longer exists head to South America. Once there, they encounter a pair of drug dealers, Mike (Giovanni Lombardo Radice) and Joe (Walter Lucchini) who claim to be fleeing from a Cannibal Tribe that attacked them. Continuing on until they reach the tribe for some reason, they find the village deserted except for a few members lurking around the fringes. It seems Mike lied; he had actually been forcing the tribe to gather cocca and mine for emeralds, and had killed one of them for his own sadistic amusement, prompting the attack. When he kills another one, the tribe decides there shall be no more and goes on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against the dealers and kiddies. Gorn ensues.
No 70s/80s grindhouse cannibal film would be complete without some genuine animal killings; here a rodent is eaten by an anaconda, a monkey is eaten by a leopard, a boar is stabbed, a turtle is dismembered, and an alligator is sliced open. Also; the film's principle marketing point was that it had alledgedly been banned in 31 countries. However, a complete list of the countries it was banned in has never been given, and many of the countries it was once banned in have now lifted the ban.
- The Amazon
- Ax Crazy: Mike.
- B-Movie
- Banned in China: Exaggerated or not, it was/is definitely banned in at least some places.
- Cannibal Tribe
- Captured by Cannibals
- Exploitation Film
- Eye Scream: Mike gouges one of the native's eyes out with his machete.
- Fan Disservice: Seeing men get castrated or women having hooks stuck through the bottom of their breasts so the ends stick through the tops just isn't pleasant at any speed.
- Foregone Conclusion: Come on people; just look at the poster above. And the title. And the fact that it's banned in 31 countries. And the fact that it starts out with the kids oh-so-assured that cannibalism no longer exists. Just what do you think is going to happen in it?
- Gorn: Errr, yeah.
- Groin Attack
- Heal It with Fire: A (groin) wound cauterized with a hot blade - ouch!
- Horror Films
- Humans Are the Real Monsters
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Through the breasts with fish-hooks, egad! And you thought the clit-snip from Antichrist and the nipple-bite from Snakes on a Plane were horrid, ladies!
- Karmic Death: Mike chops off a tribesman's manhood, and he has the same done to him, later in the film.
- Large Ham: Mike
- Ms. Fanservice
- National Geographic Nudity
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: The tribe goes on this.
- Plagiarism: Of Cannibal Holocaust.
- Tender Tears: Gloria.
- Tribal Carry
- Video Nasty
- Western Terrorists
- Wacky Wayside Tribe