< Camp Gay

Camp Gay/Quotes

"I like my beer cold, my TV loud, and my homosexuals fuh-laming!"
"A gay musical, called 'Gay' ... that's quite gay." *pause* "Aren't all musicals gay? This must be the GAYEST musical of all time"
"My name is Leeron, but you can just call me Ron. Or, if you prefer, "Beautiful Queen" is also fine."
"Dude, you're gay. And not, like, Rock Hudson gay - you're really gay. You sing like Dianna Ross and you dress like you own a magic chocolate factory."
Burt Hummel gives his son a pep talk
"He takes Shaw's helmet and is like 'Uh-uh girlfriend, this grey just isn't working. We need some magenta, and purple, and satin'".
Lindsay and Nella on Magneto in X-Men First Class
"I'm Kanji Tatsumi, and I enjoy naked men! Oooh yaaah~"
Shadow Kanji, Hiimdaisy Comic Dub of Persona 4. All to the tune of Muscle Blues
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