< Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Calvin and Hobbes fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Page Reconfiguration in Progress: Fan Fic Recommendations is being split into pages for each individual series, so help is needed to classify each entry into the appropriate category, and to format it according to the template.

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General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

Reminiscence by Kenya Starflight

  • Recommended by Solandra
  • Synopsis: Calvin may never age in the comics, but Reminiscence has him grow up and experience the joys and sorrows of life beyond childhood, moving away from its whimsy and magic.
  • Comments: Despite this Fanfic being about Calvin moving away from the major charm of the comic, the story works. His life beyond childhood is portrayed as challenging and wonderful in its unique way, and the the ending hints that the childhood magic will never really be dead for someone like Calvin.

Kill the Cliche by Miss Jak

  • Recommended by Assassin
  • Synopsis: Calvin is a psychology major at NYU. Despite his maturity, he still acts as he does during childhood, as evident in that Hobbes is living in his dorm. He notices his old nemesis, Susie Derkins, has transferred to the university, piquing an interest to catch up with an old friend. Susie herself ponders why she can sometimes see a live tiger in Calvin's room...
  • Comments: A light hearted series that still retains the silliness of the old comics while putting our now mature, at least a little, protagonists in the college setting.

A Tiger, a Diary, and a Treehouse by Zamael

  • Recommended by Potman
  • Synopsis: Set a couple of years after the comics, when Calvin and Susie are still mortal enemies. The story sees them visiting each other's rooms (at the same time), and learning new things about the other one, all the while unleashing infernal plots against their respective mortal foes.
  • Comments: Well written, all characters almost perfectly in character, and reading it feels like reading the comic once more. Maybe those Xanatos Gambits they have going on are a tad complicated for a kid of that age, but then again, we know that both Calvin and Susie are very smart indeed.

the sandwich story by Obfuscate

  • Recommended by Rebecca Hb.
  • Synopsis: Hobbes is changing.
  • Comments: A bittersweet story about Calvin growing up and how it affects Hobbes. A real tearjerker.

Life by Ryan Griffin

  • Recommended by The Otaku Ninja
  • Synopsis: What happened after the last strip? A different view on Calvin's future. Now added, Chapter 2 - Lost Souls. An unexpected sequel.
  • Comments: A sweet two-part fic (one focusing on Calvin and the other on Hobbes) about what (as the synopsis states) might have happened after the last strip. And the author adds in an OC of sorts, based off a childhood stuffed animal, giving a personal touch to it. And is leave us with the theory that Calvin is Bill Watterson, writing down his own childhood adventures.

Fall by Jhomeboy

  • Recommended by belarus 14
  • Synopsis:Calvin reminisces on the day he lost Hobbes.
  • Comments: Short but sweet. It's a real tearjerker, not for the faint at heart!

Calvin & Hobbes and the Gargantuan Thingamabob by ME (that's the author's actual username; Theweirdwarrior had nothing to do with the creation of this fic.)

  • Recommended by Theweirdwarrior
  • Synopsis: Calvin tries to commit fraud online by making a patenting firm think he's an ingenious inventor. However, what he doesn't know is that the aforementioned firm is the one his dad works at. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Comments: To date, I think this is the best Calvin and Hobbes fic ever written. The plot is hilarious, the cast is completely in-character, and it even has Calvin and his Dad really bond for once. If Calvin and Hobbes had lasted into the information age, I can picture Watterson writing something like this.

Whatever Happened to that old Thing? by Wolf Child13

  • Recommended by Azraelfinalstar
  • Synopsis: a depressing look at Calvin's teen years after Calvin has stopped believing in Hobbes. Speculates on what consequences Calvin's weird behavior might have on his relationships later in life.
  • Comments: This is a very depressing read, but its pretty good.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

Peggy Susie by Eliezer Yudkowsky

  • Recommended by User:Baughn, Looney Toons
  • Synopsis: She fought her way to the Box, and somehow made it work, and now she's back. Will she be able to prevent the end of the world this time around?
  • Pairing: Calvin/Susie
  • Comments: It probably isn't possible to write a dark, edge-of-your-seat thriller more reminiscent of Terminator 2 than Calvin and Hobbes and still maintain perfect characterization, all the while creating a moral dilemma that would do a professional philosopher proud. This doesn't prevent Eliezer from trying, and I believe he's succeeded pretty well.

Spaceman Spiff and the Marriage of Doom by Joe Cloudheart

  • Recommended by Operation Shoestring
  • Pairing: Calvin/Suzie
  • Synopsis: A series of vignettes in Calvin's life, weaving in and out of his famously overactive imagination, as he falls in love with Suzie Derkins.
  • Comments: A superbly written Calvin/Suzie romance written in a style that captures the imagination and wonder of the original comics.

Geniuses by Amaretto

  • Recommended by Sorcyress
  • Pairing: Calvin/Jason Fox, from FoxTrot
  • Synopsis: Jason and Calvin are in college, each dealing with their isolation differently.
  • Comments: Just a gloriously sweet and sexy series of stories. The first one is the longest, but there's a round dozen drabbles about the two.

Theories About Nuclear Winter by hollycomb

  • Recommended by Assassin
  • Pairing: Calvin/Susie
  • Synopsis: After Calvin breaks up with his girlfriend and decides to leave town, he finally sorts out his feelings for Susie, his timing is not great.
  • Comments: A tearful romantic story that succeeds in capturing the personalities of both characters in their original form, but as well as giving a more mature, convincing nature to it.

The Best Seven Years by Blu Taiger

  • Recommended by Hanz
  • Pairing : Calvin/Susie
  • Synopsis : Calvin is eighteen and living in England with his folks. Now, he's faced with the task of telling Susie what he's been doing for the past seven years.
  • Comments : Both an interesting view of Harry Potter from an outside perspective, and a nice, semi-plausible, explanation of Calvin's relationship with Hobbes.
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