
Al Czervik: Hey everybody! We're all gonna get laid!
(roar of applause)
A film starring Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, and Ted Knight. Bill Murray also had a small part in it, but his improvised stuff was so great he became one of the stars.
Danny Noonan is a young caddy at Bushwood Country Club who has no idea about where his future will lead. His best chance at getting his life on track is to earn a caddy scholarship from Judge Elihu Smails (Knight), the owner of Bushwood. Al Czervik (Dangerfield) is a rude and eccentric millionaire who has an interest in purchasing Bushwood. Judge Smails discovers an instant dislike towards Al and soon there is conflict between the Judge and Al, the Judge and Danny, and the Judge and Ty Webb (Chase), the charming golfer who is helping Danny figure out his real goals. Meanwhile, Carl Spackler (Murray), Bushwood's Groundskeeper, battles a rampaging gopher who is chewing holes throughout the course.
- Animal Nemesis: Carl first tries to drown the gopher, then kill it with a sniper rifle, before finally settling on plastic explosives. The gopher still wins.
- Ax Crazy: Carl.
- Bizarre and Improbable Golf Game: Ty's specialty.
- Black and Grey Morality
- Blindfolded Vision: Ty hitting over the water onto the green whilst blindfolded
- Bolt of Divine Retribution: The high-voltage cap-off to the poor Reverend's almost-perfect game; enough to make him renounce God.
- Book Ends: The gopher dancing to "I'm Alright".
- Deadpan Snarker: Carl and Ty.
- Down to the Last Play: Danny has to make his last putt for his team to win the game and the bet.
- Cool Old Guy: Al Czervik. Ty acts the part, but is in his late 30's at the most.
- Dance Party Ending: Right after the page quote.
- Demoted to Extra: Happened to the character of Danny over the course of shooting due to the excellent improv material that was generated.
- Don't Think, Feel: Ty's method of teaching, yet he drops his own club.
- Drugs Are Bad: "You take drugs, Danny?" "Every day." "Good. Then what's your problem?" "I don't know..."
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: Rodney Dangerfield as Al Czervik.
- Evil Old Folks: Judge Smalls
- Groin Attack: "I shoulda yelled 'two'!"
- Grumpy Old Man: Judge Smalls
- Hanging Judge: Judge Smails, played for laughs.
- Harpo Does Something Funny: Lots of improvised dialog.
- I Ate What?: People freak out on seeing what appears to be feces floating in the pool (it's actually a Baby Ruth candy bar). While cleaning the pool in a Hazmat Suit, Carl finds the candy bar and eats it. Smails' wife takes this the wrong way.
- Killer Rabbit: Well, gopher.
- Wait. The gopher never kills anybody. (off-screen THWAK) Okay, except for that guy.
- Likes Older Women: Carl likes to ogle the older lady golfers.
- Meaningful Name: Lacey Underall.
- Never My Fault: The Judge throws his golf club in a fit of rage, and ends up hitting a woman knocking her unconscious. He blames Danny for not telling him that the grip on his club was worn down. Later, when Al drops the anchor from his yacht, smashing the Judge's sailboat, he exclaims: "Hey, you scratched my anchor!"
- Danny actually voluntarily took the blame as part of his efforts to suck up to Smails.
- "No Respect" Guy: Al Czervik
- Oireland: Maggie O'Hooligan.
- Screw Politeness I Am a Senior: Judge Smalls
- Slobs Versus Snobs: Used as the film's tagline, no less.
- Smite Me Oh Mighty Smiter: Evidently, "Rat Farts" is the Mighty Smiter's trigger phrase.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Even though he's supposed to be the protagonist, Danny's story arc is quickly overshadowed by the antics of his wacky co-stars.
- Too Many Halves: In the second movie Jack says his mother was "half Jewish, half English, half Spanish," going on to explain that "she was a big woman."
- Two-Person Pool Party: Ty and the Judge's niece.
- Worm Sign: Well, gophersign anyway.