< Cabin Fever (film)

Cabin Fever (film)/YMMV

  • A Naked Shoulder to Cry On: Debatable. Marcy's sudden urge to screw Paul seem mostly due to Jeff breaking up with and abandoning her.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: The "PANCAKES!" scene and the rabbit surgeon.
  • Fallen Hero: Marcy mightn't have been as clueless as she seems when she had unprotected sex with Paul and got him sick. As noted here, there's a rash on Marcy's wrist well before she slept with Paul, so it's likely she knew, or at least strongly suspected, she was already sick when she seduced him. So the odds are that she was well aware that she'd be infecting Paul, but she simply didn't care anymore, or she figured he was bound to get sick anyway(note her speech), so she might as well get a good humping out of it. It certainly explains her half-assed reaction when he asks her about using a condom.
  • Memetic Mutation: PANCAKES!
  • Nausea Fuel: A lot. Why do you ask?
  • Nightmare Retardant: Don't sit next to Dennis.
  • Signature Scene: Dennis's scene.
  • Sequelitis: So bad that the director refuses to be associated with it.
  • Squick: A lot. Why do you ask?
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: The "Pancakes" kid is a boy, named Dennis. However he has very long hair and is apparently prepubescent, so many people mistook him for a girl.
  • What an Idiot!: Winston. Aside from being creepy as fuck, he does not seem to think clearly either. A sick and disoriented Paul encountered Winston partying in the forest, and knocked him out when he heard that all infected persons are to be shot on sight. He then stumbled onto the highway, and a truck-driver took him to that local doctor's office, where the police located him. As he was too sick to talk, he could not communicate to the officers that one of the infected bodies had fallen into the local water reservoir, and hence infected it. To find out what he tries to say, the doctors advise that the police brings him to the county hospital, who actually has the capabilities to treat the flesh-eating bacteria. Deputy Winston is chosen to transport him there. Yet, he is vengeful for being hit over the head by him earlier.
    • You'd expect: That he will complete his task without hesitating. Paul is quite possibly the key for scientists to analyse this virus further so they are prepared for future infections. Apart from that, Paul still has something very important to say.
    • Instead: He gives a shit. He is only out for revenge, and dumps Paul in the closest river. And that was bloody stupid. He pretty much is solely owe for everything that happened in the sequel and after that. He actually dumped a guy with a highly aggressive and quickly spreading bacterial infection in a river, which co-incidentally leads back to that town and the Cool, Clear Water bottling factory. He should really have known that. Apart from that, there wasn't much of a reason in the first place. Oh, and he got away with it.
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