C Bear and Jamal
C Bear and Jamal was an animated series that aired on Fox Kids between 1996 and 1997. It starred 9-year-old Jamal, who has a singing bear named C Bear (voiced by rapper Tone Loc), who would often dole out advice to his somewhat gullible friend.
The show only lasted 13 episodes, and received a few VHS releases.
Tropes used in C Bear and Jamal include:
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune: Tone Loc sings the theme song, being a rapper and all.
- Five-Bad Band:
- The Leader - Jamal
- The Lancer - C Bear
- The Smart Guy - Kwame
- The Big Guy - Big Chill
- The Chick - Maya
- Sixth Ranger - Kim
- The Heart - Chipster
- Tagalong Kid - Javier
- Team Pet -Sooner
- Friendly Tickle Torture - C-Bear tickles Jamal's bare feet with a feather during his karate training.
- Once per Episode - Each episode features at least one song.
- Short-Runners - C Bear and Jamal lasted for only 13 episodes of two season.
- The Smurfette Principle - Maya is only girl in the group in the first season, until Kim added to the main cast of the second season.
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