CSA: Confederate States of America/Fridge

Fridge Logic

  • Part of the reason for the documentary's strong negative light is the fact that it's made by the British Broadcasting Service, and the Brits aren't terribly fond of the CSA given their neutrality with Hitler during World War II. Of course, there's also the fact that the CSA's a slave-holding nation that treats minorities like chattel. The fact that the documentary's controversial in the CSA because of its viewpoint is touched upon in the introduction.
  • Kennedy as a Republican? Well, during the Civil War era and all the way up until WWII, the Democrats were the conservative party in U.S. politics, and the Republicans the radicals. That the roles of the Civil War era remained intact in-universe isn't that improbable.
    • Of course, this is as much an incorrect and completely braindead fallacy as most of the rest of the movie is built on.
  • Japan as an Allied power in WWII? Makes perfect sense considering that they were an Allied power in WWI and that an alliance between Germany and the CSA would make Japan superfluous to Hitler.

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