

  • Evil Is Sexy: Peavey could be considered this when she's not wearing her Slasher Smile. Heck, maybe even then depending on your taste.
  • Fridge Logic
    • When Konoha changes to and from her sword form, her clothes are left behind but she keeps the glasses. It's shown in episode 10 that her glasses are something of a seal to keep her murderous impulses in check.
    • Kirika's underwear cannot be removed. Completely, at least. The implications run from chastity to kinkiness to difficulties in other bodily functions.
  • Hate Dumb: A lot of viewers are trashing this series for everything from its Non-Indicative First Episode (even though it did provide very necessary exposition and foreshadowing) to copying Soul Eater because one character turned into a weapon, and for a very different reason. It's safe to say that some people are determined to hate this show no matter what.
  • Les Yay: Shiraho and Sovereignty's relationship most certainly has shades of this, particularly since Sovereignty spends quite a bit of time in her female form.
  • Moe: Let's face it, Konoha and Fear are both incredibly moe. Also, Amanda, Kuroe and Sovereignty.
  • Narm: The sheer amount of angsty drama (pretty much all around Fear) means that quite a lot of this crops up, too.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The sudden Mood Whiplash in episode 2, as well as Fear's true nature, are very disturbing.
  • The Woobie: Quite a few characters can fall under this, but the one that best suits this is Sovereignty. Her curse is that her owner will fall in love with her. When that love reaches a certain point, she kills them, and nothing, not even her own will, can stop it from happening.
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