< Butterfly of Transformation
Butterfly of Transformation/Playing With
Basic Trope: A butterfly and/or moth symbolizes change.
- Straight: While taking a walk, Angelica sees a butterfly alights on nearby flowers, she resolves to leave home and get an education.
- Exaggerated: A butterfly flies by whenever Bartholomew changes any thing.
- Downplayed: Catherina makes a decision in a park, the latter fills with flowers, trees, birds, bees, and a single butterfly.
- Justified: Danilo takes up etymology, after being inspired by a butterfly.
- Butterflies empower transformation magic.
- Inverted: Edwiga is thinking of leaving her parents, she resolves against it, after seeing a butterfly flies by.
- Subverted: Frederick, after seeing a butterfly. He resolves to give up drinking, when evening arrives, he falls off the wagon.
- Double Subverted: Georgiana sees a butterfly, resolves to quit drinking, and after falling off a wagon one evening. The next morning, while being hung over and seeing that she needs more. Georgiana sets about altering her life. After ditching friends that tempts her to drink, she begins to search for new non-drinking friends, and limiting the money to what she carries, so she cannot buy it.
- Parodied: Whenever a butterfly touches Heinrich. He quickly changes his mind about something; a flock of them changes his mind back and forth a dozen times in a minute.
- Zig Zagged: In Imogene's story, butterflies are frequent motifs in its' art, sometimes about times of change and sometimes not.
- Averted: No butterflies appear.
- Enforced: To add to Johann's story and to sell more merchandize, butterflies are added to all the scenes were changes occurs.
- Lampshaded: "A butterfly. Wondering what's going to change?"
- Invoked: Katharina brings her little brother to a butterfly garden, to engage him and to influence him away from his bad habits.
- Exploited: Lily-Marie unleashes butterflies into Mordor to induce change.
- Defied: Mortimer is tempted to change. But after seeing a butterfly, he resolves to not change at all.
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
- Back to Butterfly of Transformation
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