< Burning Dog Face
Burning Dog Face/YMMV
- Crowning Moment of Funny - Several. Including the above "Ow, my organs!" comment.
- During his Let's Play of Prince of Persia: "Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times, do not attempt to leave until the witch has come to a complete stop."
- "In accordance with the prophecy, we must all wear pudding on our faces!" It Makes Sense in Context and is still pretty damned funny without it.
- "I heard there was a necromorph that looks like it's made of animals. Or an animal. But I hope it's not something adorable, like a kitten. I don't think I could handle zombie kittens... I will avenge all the kittens."
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming - Any of his Let's Plays that come to a positive denoument. In particular American McGee's Alice. You just can't help but be happy for the guy.
- * Squick - Alice: Madness Returns strikes again!
BDF: I just thought of another connection between Psychonauts and American McGee's Alice. Neither of them sold very well despite reviewing excellently with critics... there are tongues on the floor.
- Tear Jerker - Upon realising that getting the full ending to Prince of Persia required him to deliberately undo all the work he'd just done and unleash the god of evil he just spent forty videos making sure couldn't get out, to save a protagonist's life at the cost of dooming the world.
"Elika wouldn't want me to do that."
- That One Puzzle - Hates lever and button puzzles in general but got particularly frustrated with that one tower puzzle in Prince of Persia, so much so that in the end he paused the film to solve the puzzle so the audience didn't have to sit around watching it.
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