< Burn Notice

Burn Notice/Funny

  • If the assassination attempt in "Shot In The Dark", doesn't make you laugh, the ending will. In an attempt to convince their target, Erik Luna, that someone's trying to kill him so that he skips town, Michael and company rig themselves with squibs (the Hollywood method of faking bullet wounds) and pretend to get shot to death by unseen assassins. Each oversells the "death" in different, hilarious ways. There's also the earlier "parking lot" scene, where they turn the lights off and on, block Luna's cell phone reception, and generally have him peeing his pants in terror.
    • For the ending, Tom's attempt to flee is countered when he is dragged by his mobster brother to show him the dead bodies, so the Power Trio quickly clean up and assume new cover IDs. The target is left screaming that the helpful priest (Michael), guy selling pineapples (Sam), and random attractive woman walking down the street (oh, guess) were not only really assassins, but were dead just a few hours ago. He gets dragged off to a mental hospital.
      • And then, to top it off, as he's being dragged away, Michael winks. IT. IS. AWESOME.
      • For some reason the way Michael glances up towards the sky for a split second during his priest impersonation always cracks me up.
        • Perhaps because he's pretending to glance up at God and pray for Luna's soul... while maybe trying not to crack a smile.
  • In the ending of "Signals and Codes":

Spencer: You'd better bring backup. That bitch is an alien!

  • In "Where There's Smoke", Maddie, in helping Michael and Jesse scout a bank, ends up getting caught (part of the plan) but unexpectedly ends up getting taken to the bank office where she will be arrested and taken to jail. Michael and Jesse have a freak out moment about the situation - going from "They'll know everything!" to "We have to break her out of jail!". Cue Madeline doing a Stealth Hi Bye beside their car and knocking on the window, then lighting a cigarette and demonstrating the fake tears she used to get past the bank guards.
  • In "Past and Future Tense, the team is taking on a Russian wetwork team. Cue showdown:

Russian: He's Michael Westen! There are only four of us! (Note there was originally five but the Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain mook was beat up and tied up for the second time in the episode)

    • Foreshadowed as early as the pilot episode where Michael's landlord discusses the theories the KGB had regarding Mike being too dangerous to be just one man, possibly multiple agents using the same name, or even a special team; and as such something of a bogeyman.

Oleg: The real Michael Westen, yes?
Michael: Yeah.
Oleg: Back home, your story Russian intelligence tells to scare. They say you are one name for many people. Special operations team. They think one person cannot make so much problems.
Michael: Nope. Just me.

  • In one episode, Madeline walks out of the room on Michael with a distinctive unimpressed toss of her head. At the end of that scene, Fiona does the exact same gesture; this freaks Michael out so much that he stares, wide-eyed, directly at the camera as if asking the audience "Did that just happen? Did you see it too? Holy crap."
  • Fiona's Southern-fried girl persona in her jail visit with Michael in "Hard Time". Especially when she lunges across the table to Fake-Out Make-Out to pass Michael a lockpick.
  • Sam's expression in 1x03 after the car exploded.
    • Pretty much any of Sam's "freaked-out" expressions. Another hilarious one is his face when the boat blows up behind him and Michael in the season one finale, which is captured in glorious repeats by the credits. Michael is all intensity and focus, while Sam, played by a revered B-movie actor with absolutely nothing to lose and a fondness for overacting, pinwheels his arms and contorts his face in all sorts of hilarious ways.
  • Fiona waking up Michael in "Eyes Open" by kicking him and having a familiar exchange:

Michael: Where am I?
Fiona: Miami.

  • Michael protecting a federal witness from a Turkish assassin in "Center of the Storm" leads to this hilarious exchange:

(Michael breaks into the house of the witness, punches him in the face to disarm him, and then drags him and his girlfriend into the kitchen)
Bailey: Who are you?!
Michael: I'm Michael Westen. I'm here to save you people.
(The assassin bursts through the front door 5 seconds later)
Cole: Who are you?!
Micahel: I'm Michael Westen! I'm here to save these people!

  • Maddie taking a picture of Nate and Michael in their cover IDs fancy suits. It's funny because anyone who has had a mother knows that's exactly what they would do.
    • And then in the same episode, the look of sheer OhCrap-ness on Michael's face when Maddie wants to 'talk to him alone' and then quietly threats him with a cigarette Eye Scream if Nate gets hurt.
  • Michael's pursuers in Nigeria ("Pilot") crash their car in a back alley trying to keep up with him. They get a thicket of guns pointed at them. The look on one thug's face when he realizes that they're completely outgunned is priceless.
  • The episode when Michael, essentially, pretends to be Satan, by dressing as a Man of Wealth and Taste and seeming to make things explode with a snap of his fingers (really, pre-rigged with C-4).
  • Fiona tasering Ivan the human trafficker in season 2.

Fiona: He even asked to be tased again.
Michael: With a gag in his mouth?
Fiona: He has very expressive eyes.

  • An episode in seaon 2 has Michael trying to escape his pursuer in a motorcycle chase. He loses them by sliding under a tractor trailer that's blocking the road. He gets back up, smiles at his pursuer (a smile that puts the trollface to shame), and drives away. Considering Michael's default personallity is the stoic, this was a nice touch.
  • In 3X14, "Partners In Crime", Sam is impersonating a CSI technician. And since it's Miami, expect Glasses Pull and Incredibly Lame Pun each time he does. That is, twice.
  • 5X03 Nate asks Mike if he's leaving for a "super-secret spy meeting". Mike makes a shushing hand gesture. "Super secret." Scene cuts to...Michael and Fiona shopping for drapes.
  • Sam's deadpan reaction to Anson in "Damned If You Do":

It's official. Guy's a dick.

  • In a season 3 episode, Maddie wins an award for being a vigilant reporter of crimes (that Michael committed), and asks him to show up to the ceremony looking nice, wearing a tie. He agonizes about it for the whole episode, torn between being nice to his mother or avoiding police scrutiny (again, she won the award for reporting his crimes!). He does eventually show up, albeit reluctantly, in a tie, looking extremely uncomfortable. His mom is thankful, they reconcile again, and Maddie decides that the award is nice, but isn't important. Then:

Maddie: You can take the tie off now.
Michael: Oh thank God.

  • Jesse pretending to be a junkie.
  • Michael's dismay at tearing the sleeve of his tux when thrown out of a charity auction.
    • And subsequent Oh Crap expression when asked if it was a rental.
  • Facepalm.
  • In the third season, Maddie interrogates a mook in her garage while Sam and Fi scream about tactics in the kitchen. Maddie's absolutely calm demeanor and kindness while telling the mook not to worry because "I've never seen them make anyone suffer. If they don't think you're gonna break, they'll end it quick. ... Are you sure you don't want a cigarette?" makes the whole thing absolutely hilarious. Especially when she walks back into the kitchen and hands Sam and Fi the info they need. "Well, are you going to rescue my son or am I going to have to do that, too?"
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