A white rabbit who is the main character of the series. He is a hitman who wields a variety of weapons, but seems to favor a katana.
Death Count: 1
A black rabbit with sunglasses. He first appeared as the Big Bad of the first episode, was Snowball's employer in the second episode's prologue, appeared in the third episode as a partner to Snowball, and is once again the Big Bad in episode 5.
Death Count: 3
A brown rabbit with a red mohawk. He appeared as the Big Bad of Bunny Kill 2 and was the final enemy of Bunny Kill 3. In 5, he's the target of a rescue mission until Smoke makes him temporarily Brainwashed and Crazy and he subsequently kills Snowball, and becomes the new protagonist of 5, going on one hell of a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against the ones responsible.
Death Count: 2
Professor Sludge
A tan Mad Scientist rabbit with wild Dr. Wily style hair and a scar down one eye. He was the Big Bad of Bunny Kill 3, and appears as Smoke's partner in 5 before being betrayed by Smoke, who leaves him behind to be the first victim of Brainwashed and Crazy Dust.
Death Count: 2
A pink rabbit who is currently the only female cast member. She first appeared in Bunny Kill 4 as Snowball's Fire-Forged Friend.
Death Count: 1
A tan rabbit with Scary Shiny Glasses who doesn't seem to talk much. First appeared in Bunny Kill 4 as that episode's Big Bad, and makes a small cameo in 5 as Snowball's Mission Control and turns out to be the one behind the Psycho Serum experiment who deliberately sent Snowball to his death on the orders of an as-yet-unnamed figure.
Death Count: 2
The Minions
The Mooks. They range from standard mooks, to Mecha-Mooks, to Giant Mooks and more, but they rarely last more than a few seconds against Snowball or Dust.
Death Count: 433.