< Bunny Drop

Bunny Drop/YMMV

  • Broken Base: Towards the ending and the revelation that Rin and Daikichi aren't blood-related. Some took it alright while others took it less than well.
  • Crowning Moment Of Heartwarming - Pretty much all of chapter 12. Particularly "I like you just being my Daikichi!" and "I'll hold you even when you become an old granny, if that's what you want."
    • Hell, this series is on par with Yotsuba&! for heartwarming-moment quotient.
    • This entire series is inherently a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming. All of it. The whole thing. Because it shows the lows as well.
  • Hollywood Homely - Daikichi. There are several references in the manga and anime to him not only being shy and awkward around women but not all that physically attractive either, even though he doesn't look that bad.
  • Moe: Rin-chan. So very much
  • Shocking Swerve: The original manga's infamous post-Time Skip Genre Shift.
  • Uncanny Valley: While checking to see if Rin has a temperature, we are treated to this face.
  • Values Dissonance - When Haruko runs away,the end of the episode/chapter has her deciding to just bear her unhappy marriage and relationship with her inlaws. She is not encouraged to fight for her own happiness despite the obstacles as the message of an American show might be.
    • On a related note, the scene when Daikichi's sister expresses concern about her fiance's desire to start a family immediately runs into some minor Values Dissonance. Daikichi does give her good advice (of the "talk to your husband, it's no use talking to me!" variety), but largely dismisses her concerns, deciding that the "leisure activities" his sister wants to keep are expendable -- you have plenty of time to yourself at work, right? While very upbeat on one level, suggesting that spending all of your time at work or with your children in not automatically a huge sacrifice, a more Western audience would probably take her concerns more seriously and agree that someone who wanted to keep a free-wheeling lifestyle isn't yet cut out for motherhood -- and it's unfair for her fiance to expect her to get pregnant, give birth, rearrange her lifestyle and cope. Of course, the fact that she's a bit of a Jerkass loses her sympathy points...and why is she marrying this guy if they've already got a massive difference of opinion on such a major issue?
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