< Bum Reviews

Bum Reviews/YMMV

  • Alternative Character Interpretation: He's not really homeless, he's just crazy and thinks he is. Think about it, we rarely see him outside, he looks suspiciously clean and well-fed and he hangs around Critic's house constantly, who we know offered him a place to stay and a job reviewing new movies.
  • Broken Base: The review of District 9, which panned the movie perhaps the most out of any that he's reviewed so far, has actually generated a bit of controversy amongst his own base of viewers. (Thus, why he put it at number 2 on his list of movies he didn't like that everyone else seemed to love.)
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The Bum Reviews Song.
  • Ear Worm: each episode is bookended with the first few bars of Luigi Boccherini's "Minuetto". Watch Bum Reviews enough times and it WILL get stuck in your head.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: Before Breaking Dawn came out, Doug was gleeing over how much he was going to enjoy it for the So Bad It's Good quality. Uh, yeah... didn't quite turn out that way.
    • Giggling about how the Paranormal Activity movies are anti-men and wondering if that makes him a "menimest" is adorable. Three episodes later, when the above film comes along, brokenly raging about it'll teach girls that this is how men will treat you when you're pregnant, makes you wonder if he's okay.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: Aww, look at the Bum's youmacon video where he's all freaked out. You just want to take him home and... wait, a con report says Doug really did get scared because people were constantly asking "can I keep you?". Oh.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The line in Chester's review of Up about that they should send all the people in the sky adds more hilarity when Pixar actually does run closely with it.
  • Iron Woobie: You've got to admit he's pretty good at carrying on with life without all that much complaint. True, that might be because he's high and drunk most of the time, but still.
  • Magnificent Bastard: He's managed two examples that earn him the title, mostly because nobody was expecting it from him:
    • Promising an interviewer dirt on the Critic and then telling him that Critic offered him change and a place to stay with no ulterior motive.
    • Managing to destroy the entire world, something not even Malachite (possibly the only true Complete Monster the site had) could pull off.
  • Moe: And unlike most, he really does need to be taken home.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The ending of his Paranormal Activity 3 review. This troper has not even seen the movie and yet his heart started pounding when it happened.
  • One True Pairing: Even the Bum, despite his hatred for Bella, feels Jacob would've been a better Boyfriend/Husband than Edward.
  • Tear Jerker: Crossing over with Nightmare Fuel, Doug in the real review of Breaking Dawn. He loved the films for being so delightfully shit, here he's shaking and sounds like he's seconds away from tears. The fact that he also apologizes for possibly overreacting doesn't help.

So, you might be wondering what's the moral of the story, kids? The moral of the story is... deal with it! Just... deal with it! Your family's not perfect? Deal with it! You're trapped on an island with monsters? Deal with it! You live in a pine cone where people occasionally urinate on you and throw feces at you always saying that they left their change at home even though I see them pay for a hooker just on the side of the street?! A hooker that could pleasure them probably not nearly as well as I could?! Deal with it! *starts crying* Have a good cry and then deal with it! Bite your finger until it starts to bleed, cry, and deal with it! Forget this cruel, horrible world, die alone in the dark, then bite your finger until it starts to bleed, cry, and deal with it!

  • The Woobie:
    • "I just want to belong!"
    • Also the 2011 Chicago Snowstorm video.
    • And the search for the Necronomicon. "I'm not a religious man, but I now believe in the Devil."
    • Partly his own fault for taking LSD cos he thought it'd be boring, but the youmacon video had him completely terrified by all the strange things he was seeing.
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