< Bubsy


  • Awesome Music: The last level of the first game called "A Farewell To Woolies" had an epic song playing in the background.
  • Game Breaker: The Nerf Ballzooka in the second game.
  • Most Annoying Sound: A borderline case for the pilot cartoon. They blatantly tried to force "What could possibly go wrong?!" as Bubsy's catchphrase. His voice certainly didn't help.
  • So Okay It's Average: The first game at least was considered this, if a bit difficult. (though that was far from unusual back then) Until he hit the Polygon Ceiling...
    • The cartoon was... not funny.
  • The Woobie: Arnold the Armadillo from the second game so very much.
    • Made so much more this trope in the cartoon, although this might cross with the Butt Monkey
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