"Kill yourself"—Drake
"I get very sad when Drake doesn't respond to my flirts."—Trollvorlord
What was originally a normal My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Facebook fan-page--moreover, one of the most popular fan-pages--became a chaotic place after a swift hi-jacking on December 14, 2011.
This hi-jacking was orchestrated by user known as Sagan, whom had later given the page to two other well known trolls; a snarky deisitic-Christian known as Drake[1], and a poetic Depraved Homosexual known as Trollvorlord[2].
Since the hi-jacking, the two have posted bizarre images, discussed various topics[3], gained a many supporters and followers, but most of all; annoyed many people, especially the bronies.
The page itself can be found here.
It was evidently counter-hijacked, by another user named Nightmare Nyx, on March 25th, 2012. This may be a joke.
- Actually Pretty Funny: Trollvorlord was actually amused by one of the Photoshops done of him, enough to even make it the page's profile picture for a short period.
- Occasionally, the remaining bronies, as well; especially the short-running "Jimmies" gag.
- In fact, this is the attitude of almost all remaining bronies on the page.
- Occasionally, the remaining bronies, as well; especially the short-running "Jimmies" gag.
- Artifact Title: Justified by the fact Facebook pages can no longer change their name after 100 likes.
- Author Avatar/ OC: A fan created pony one, actually. Happened after Trollvorlord Tempted Fate.
- Black Comedy
- The Chessmaster/ Manipulative Bastard: Many times, the admins have conned and fooled their followers in many way; notably, pretending to give the page back to the bronies for about a week. Drake gave the page "back" several times, but the one Trollvorlord did recently lasted for about 10 days. Whilst being a my little pony fan, he gained entry to their "network", gained their trust, was offered admin on some of their pages, then he showed himself, only to demoralize everyone.
- The Chew Toy: The bronies who fail at trying to troll back.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Drake has not been seen nor heard from since Nyx's take over.
- Consistency: Trollvorlord always signs his posts. If a post is not signed, it's pretty safe to say it's Drake.
- Darker and Edgier: Compared to the original state of the page.
- Lighter and Softer/ Reconstruction: After Nyx's take over; the page, once again, turned into a hub for loyal fans of the show.
- Deadpan Snarker: Drake is pretty much all about this trope.
- Deconstruction: They often exaggerate and promote the common stereotypes of bronies, among other things.
- Depraved Homosexual: This is Trollvorlord's character's "gig."
- Early Installment Weirdness: The day the page was first hi-jacked; there was an inconceivable, unfathomable amount of Trolling, spamming, raging, ect. from everyone. This was including the confused bronies who tried to fight back, the gleeful foreign-trolls who ravished the moment while posted massive amounts of guro and other hideous things, and odd bystanders and passerbys who enjoyed the unending chaos.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Several, including how they will often give warnings to the more aggressive trolls and counter-trolls before banning them.
- Also, they both find the use of drugs reprehensible.
- The admins often stress the fact the page was hi-jacked[4], because they would not stoop so low as to hack it. (Which is illegal.)
- According to Drake:
- Face Death with Dignity: Trollvorlord once said he'd rather let the page die than give it to The Average Brony and his friends.
- The Faceless: Averted for Trollvorlord, Played Straight with the rest of the admins.
- Fan Service: Trollvorlord occasionally posted risqué photos of an unidentified girl -- Some followers believed it might have been the FemAdmin.
- Five-Bad Band:
- Sagan -- The Big Bad
- Drake -- The Dragon
- Trollvorlord -- The Evil Genius
- [Currently Derp]
- FemAdmin -- The Dark Chick
- Follow the Leader: Bronyism's hi-jacking had apparently caused rise to several other fan-page hi-jackings, as well.
- For the Evulz
- Gratuitous Foreign Language: Trollvorlord had once made-up his own, bizarre language. It is not Cthulhu-ian.
- Hidden Depths: As seen on Trollvorlord's own show, The Zane And Noah Show, he is not at all the true, born sociopath many believe him to be.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Nyx had deceived Sagan into making him an admin then hi-jacked the page, the same way they usually do.
- Insistent Terminology: Drake and Trollvorlord hate the term "Troll"
- The page was HI-JACKED, not HACKED.
- It Got Worse:
"That awkward moment when..."
- Medium Awareness: "So yeah, here's a wiki about Drake and I. I'm having a lot of fun."
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Drake had let Sagan back as an admin who, in turn, gave Nyx admin rights and subsequently removed the others and returned the page to its pony-loving status.
- Pet the Dog: Drake once posted a 'list of people who are actually pretty cool'
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Many times.
- Recurring Character: The Cynical Asshole[5]
- As of recently; The Average Brony.
- Previously, Spike the Dragon.
- Refuge in Audacity/ Refuge in Vulgarity
- (Short)Running Gag: "[X] increased because of femadmin"
- Sadist Show
- Stopped Caring: Trollvorlord. But, then again... Has he ever?
- Teens Are Monsters: It's Facebook, so it kinda goes without saying..
- Trolls: A majority of the page's current active members.
- Both Trollvorlord and Drake deny the claims of being Trolls, themselves.
- Turn the Other Cheek/ Yank the Dog's Chain: On March 17th, Trollvorlord (jokingly) announced that he was coming out of the closet and began acting kindly towards everyone while everyone responded with empathy and acceptance. That is, until a few moments later when he called the followers idiots, to which the mutual trolling again started.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist
- Unwitting Pawns: Quin from the second re-hijacking.
- Wall of Text: Common in Trollvorlord's posts.
- What Do You Mean, It's Not for Bronies? (In-Universe)
- X Meets Y: Encyclopedia Dramatica meets True Capitalist Radio in the form of Facebook.
- You Keep Using That Word: Trollvorlord doesn't consider the n-word to be a racial slur, and often uses it for Caucasians.
- You Make Me Sic: The admins often point out grammatical errors and joke about poorly-typed rants and flames they receive.