< Broken Saints
Broken Saints/YMMV
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- Awesome Music: Some of it original, some of it well-chosen and strategically placed.
- Complete Monster: Lt. Charles and Lt. Bravado qualify, as does Mars, as does Palmer. Any others who qualify are strongly debated.
- Epileptic Trees: In the epilogue on Lomalagi, Raimi and Oran are also dead.
- Get On With It Already
- Heartwarming Moments:
- Raimi's World of Cardboard Speech to Shandala is a textbook example.
- And the ending, with the final quote by Mahatma Gandhi.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: In spades.
- Chapter 22, Act 2. That is all.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Both Raimi and Oran.
- Magnificent Bastard: Lear.
- Moment of Awesome:
- Oran's first battle with Charles and Bravado: "I believe!', and the Meaningful Echo of that same line in the Grand Finale.
- "You are going to get the girl and tell me what I want to know now, or I will fill your computers with gig after inhuman gig of child pornography. I will flood the FBI with perfect shots of you touching little boys of every age and creed--sent from your e-mail address, and I will smile when I think of the prison brothers prying you open and turning your ass into a gaping, bloody parking space. I can do it. In minutes. From anywhere. Believe it."
- Moral Event Horizon: Gabriel disembowels, gouges the eyes out of, and crucifies Shandala's cat in the Wham! Episode.
- Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: Pretty much every allusion the vagrant makes in Chapter 24, Act 1.
- Tear Jerker: A number of moments, for a number of different reasons.
- Unfortunate Implications: Palmer is heavily implied to be a homosexual and a pedophile. No other characters are either explicitly or implicitly gay, although there is considerable and intentional Ho Yay between Raimi and Oran.
- The Woobie: Our four heroes variously, especially Shandala.
- Jerkass Woobie: Raimi and Oran both have their moments.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: The Big Bad tries to turn Shandala into this.
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