< Brick
- Alternative Character Interpretation: There are multiple ways to read just about everybody.
- Awesome Music: It's an odd example, but there's something deeply thrilling about Laura's calm, self-assured recitation of "The Sun Whose Rays Are All Ablaze."
- Harsher in Hindsight: The cigarette on the road. Kara's "You better be sure you wanna know what you wanna know." Quite a bit of the movie, in fact.
- Magnificent Bastard:
- Laura turns out to be a Femme Fatale Chessmaster that set everything in motion. Although she doesn't win at the end, her plan was both magnificent and clever.
- The protagonist Brendan is a Magnificent Bastard playing the part of an Ordinary High School Student playing the part of a Hardboiled Detective playing the part of a Magnificent Bastard. Where this cycle begins and ends is an exercise left entirely up to the viewer, but hell if Brendan doesn't keep the wheel turning.
- Tear Jerker:
- "Nine out of ten."
- The moment when Brendan finally cracks. No subdued weeping or single tears here; full-on, helpless, body-shaking sobbing.
- The Woobie:
- Even before Emily dies, she's terrified, over her head, and without anyone she really trusts.
- Dode died believing the girl he loved and protected had been killed by her ex while pregnant with Dode's child, and it turns out the kid probably wasn't his.
- Brendan is more of a Jerkass Woobie, between his treatment of Emily and Kara, his cruelty to Dode, and leaving the Pin to die, but he gets put through the wringer.
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