Brian Bendis

Noir/super-hero comics writer.
Bendis will write the upcoming Siege Crisis Crossover and another, mysterious project for Ultimate Universe - Ultimate Comics Enemy. After that he said he will not write more Crisis Crossover, focusing more on smaller ones.
Brian Bendis provides examples of the following tropes:
- Acceptable Targets: In-Universe, Male chauvinists in Mighty Avengers and once in New Avengers - Ares and his views of women are used for pure comedic reason. When Ares joined the Darker and Edgier team of Dark Avengers, this was quickly dropped.
- Alternate Character Interpretation: In-Universe, Bendis's take on Scarlet Witch.
- Anyone Can Die: Bendis' stories tend to have high body counts, with Bendis being quite open with the joy he takes in killing off popular second and third string characters. Sometimes, it's because he doesn't like the character (Vision), had prior plans to kill the character (Scott Lang), or doesn't want to deal with the character, but a lot of the time, it seems he just does it because he can (Wasp and recently Ares).
- Art Shift: He likes experimenting with it. In many his titles, scenes that happen in past eras actually imitate the art styles of when those scenes would have taken place. In Dark Avengers, scenes that happens in Norman Osborn's mind are illustrated by Greg Horn, instead of comics regular artist, Mike Deodato Jr, and in Mighty Avengers scenes in the middle ages are painted by Marko Djurdjevic in order to imitate old frescoes.
- Badass: ARES
- Break the Cutie: Jessica Jones, Spider-Woman, Daredevil, and Tigra. And poor poor White Tiger, who is murdered in cold blood by a police officer after being falsely accused of murder
- Buffy-Speak: Fond of doing this with teenagers in Ultimate Spider-Man, as well as the 616 version of Spidey.
- Cameo: Several
- Paul Jenkins, creator of Sentry in New Avengers story about this character.
- Warren Ellis in one issue of Powers
- Calling the Old Man Out: Scarlet Witch's confrontation with Magneto in House of M #7
- Decompressed Comic: The poster boy. Sometimes, it works, sometimes not so much.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Scott Lang, who Bendis killed off in the opening pages of his Avengers run by way of having a zombie Jack Of Hearts suicide bomb him.
- Et Tu, Brute?: Everyone's reaction to Iron Man in New Avengers and Mighty Avengers since Civil War. Also "Hank Pym's" betrayal of Captain America in New Avengers #21 when Captain America tried to recruit him to fight Iron Man.
- Follow the Leader: Bendis's ultra-decompressed Writing for the Trade writing style was forced upon all Marvel writers in the early '00s, to the point that Geoff Johns quit writing the Avengers rather than endure being forced to copy Bendis' writing style.
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: 'Sup, Ultimateverse May?
- Mrs. Robinson: Aunt May in Ultimate Spider-Man
- Private Eye Monologue used as a part of Alias noir-ish stylings.
- Took a Level in Badass: The Skrull Empire, who through a miracle, Bendis was able to turn from being the punching bag of the Marvel Universe, into a truly legitimate threat to Earth. At least until the Easily-Thwarted Alien Invasion trope kicked in.
- Villain with Good Publicity: Norman Osborn in Dark Reign.
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