< Breast Attack
Breast Attack/Playing With
Basic Trope: A female character will be attacked in her breasts.
- Straight: Bob hits Alice by punching breasts.
- Exaggerated: He shot her breasts with a gun.
- Downplayed: Alice gets hit in the breasts, but it's just one of many blows in a battle.
- Justified: Hitting a woman in the breasts can cause fight-ending levels of pain.
- Inverted: Alice uses her breasts as weapons.
- Subverted: Alice's breasts turn out to be immune to the attack, or act as armor.
- Double Subverted: Only because she's wearing steel armour to protect her breasts
- Parodied: Alice's breasts act like punching bags.
- Zig Zagged: Alice's breast attacks her.
- Averted: Alice wears a costume with a bullseye symbol on her chest, but never gets hit there.
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: Alice asks Bob to stop punching her breasts.
- Invoked: Bob aims for Alice's chest because he expects it to be an excellent tactic.
- Exploited: Alice heavily armors her breasts and leaves the rest of herself lightly armored.
- Defied: Bob and Alice fight. Alice expects him to hit her in the chest, but Bob refuses and only hits Alice in the face.
- Discussed:"Ever notice, when Alice gets in a fight with anyone, she sooner or later gets hit in her breasts? That's because it's hard to miss them."
- Conversed: ???
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