< Breaking the Deal

Breaking the Deal/YMMV

  • Continuity Porn: One of the author's specialties. For example: N'astirh, Rom, and even Dr. Bong get thrown into the mix.
  • Memetic Mutation: Not! One! More! Day!
  • Moral Event Horizon: Peter considers the deal that MJ and he made with Mephisto to be this, even though he finds out that Mephisto had directly intervened to warp their minds and prevent their allies and enemies from giving them a chance to save Aunt May, despite their being many ways that she could have still lived.
  • Most Wonderful Sound: Spidey is about to die to the hands of the Cancerverse versions of Iron Man, Cyclops and others, and has fully accepted this... and then, snikt!
  • Take That: This story is a complete Take That against One More Day. There is also a subtle one towards Superman II, when Spiderman comments that super-ventriloquism would be a stupid power to have.
  • Take That, Scrappy!: Peter gets a really good one when Michelle Gonzales bugs him for one of many petty reasons that she has been known to provide in the comics.


  • Tear Jerker: Many readers felt this way when Aunt May died as a result of reality moving back to its proper state. At least Peter got to say goodbye to her properly this time around.
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