< Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad/Heartwarming

  • "You have a good rest of your life, kid."
  • Can we count "Run."?
  • Apology Girl.
  • Want Some Breakfast?
  • Walt telling Gus that he's his only hope to keep the meth business running, so Gus can't kill him, then adding that he also won't do the work if Gus kills Jesse.
    • During his speech to Gus, he also puts Jesse's name first most of the time, making it clear that while he wants to keep his head, allowing Jesse to be harmed is not worth it.
    • Jesse pays him back (though unfortunately not with Walt as witness) when Gus seems to be asking him if he could take over the lab if Walt were killed, and Jesse says that Gus will have to kill him too if that happens.
  • Walt showing for the first time he cares about Jesse when he storms Tuco's place to demand the money he owes them AND 15 grand for Jesse. And he doesn't drop his cool for a single moment.
    • Another such moment in Bullet Points, when his anger towards Jesse for his neglectful behavior turns into anger for Gus' organization when Walt realizes Pinkman is missing. The expression on his face when he asks where he is to the camera in the meth lab makes it clear that Walter White is out for blood.
  • Walt Jr. in "Salud". He spends his day comforting Walt, who is in a pathetic state after his fight with Jesse, cleaning his house and fixes his glasses. The amount of devotion the kid holds to his obviously flawed dad almost reminds you of the times when Walt's crimes were justified.
  • Jesse pleads with Gus to let Walt go. This, after Jesse proves himself to be more of an asset than Walt and even after their disastrous fight in "Bug."
  • The framed picture Tio keeps in his nursing room of his nephews when they were kids.
  • Hank crying on Marie's shoulder in the elevator after having a very long and bad day.
    • He goes to track Heisenburg and finds Walt and Jesse's RV with them inside, but gets a phone call telling him Marie is in the hospital. After realizing it was a trick he goes to Jesse's house and beats him unconscious. After being suspended from the DEA and told he he's facing serious charges he finally sees Marie.
  • Walt comforting Marie in the hospital. She wonders aloud how "anyone could survive this deathtrap," to which Walt ultimately responds, "I survived this place. And I'm not half the man your husband is."
  • Mike with his granddaughter.
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