< Brave Story
Brave Story/YMMV
The book contains:
- Complete Monster: Mitsuru, Mitsuru, Mitsuru. In the book, that is. In the movie, he's an Anti-Villain.
- Ho Yay: Wataru keeps following Mitsuru, even after it's revealed that Mitsuru is a jerk. Throughout the whole book, Wataru acts more like a girlfriend than a frenemy to Misturu.
- The movie takes this and ramps it almost Up to Eleven. It's the main cause of all of the doujinshi floating around.
- It's not exactly hidden in the book:
"He had noticed Mitsuru's eyelashes then -- long like a fashion model's"
"He's got a pretty face, like a doll."
- etc.
- Jerkass Woobie: This might be too sympathetic for Mitsuru in the book, but he qualifies as this in the movie.
- The Woobie: Meena seems to fake this in the manga. Turns out that she's real.
The video game contains:
- Complete Monster: Rei, filling in for the role Mitsuru took in the original book.
- The Problem with Licensed Games: Averted. Even if one doesn't know the game is based on a book, it's decent enough to stand on its own.
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