< Brave Police J-Decker

Brave Police J-Decker/Characters

The Brave Police Japan

The entire Brave Police Japan

  • Animal Motif: (Super) Build Tiger wears a tiger on its chest.
  • Badass Crew
  • Big Brother Instinct: All of the mechs towards Yuuta.
  • Chest Blaster: (Super) Build Tiger has such a weapon, firing the attack through the tiger's maw.
  • Combining Mecha: The Build Team combines into Build Tiger, and with Drillboy added in, Super Build Tiger. Deckerd and Duke combined with their respective support vehicle become J-Decker and Duke Fire. All three of the combiners in full form are gigantic.
    • This is driven further when J-Decker and Duke Fire combine into Fire J-Decker who dwarfs even the above mentioned Combining Mecha.
    • The original Build Team (everybody minus Drillboy) at first was unable to combine thanks to the situation- they felt pressured and nervous.
  • Fire-Forged Friends
  • Ridiculously-Human Robots
  • Theme Naming: McCrane, Powerjoe and Dumpson named themselves. Their choice is justified because all three transform into construction vehicles.
  • Transformation Sequence
  • Transforming Mecha
  • True Companions

Yuuta Tomonaga (友永・勇太 Tomonaga Yuuta)

Voiced by: Hiromi Ishikawa

Ten years old, curious, courageous and not afraid of giant robots, he is the show's human main character and best friend of Deckerd.

  • A Boy and His X: A boy and his robot.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Triggers this in all the main cast's robots. It's implied that later this happens to all robots with Super-A.I.
  • Curtains Match the Windows
  • The Heart: Yuuta shares this role with Deckerd.
  • Heroic BSOD: Deckerd's refusal to regain his memories - after Yuuta hurt himself when trying to trigger them - chases the boy away, crying. He runs home, hides in his bed, and not even the news that Deckerd's mind will be re-written can snap him out of it. He pulls himself only together when the rest of the team calls for help against Victim's robot.
  • Kid Hero
  • Meaningful Name: The first kanji of Yuuta's first name is 勇, read as 'yuu'. It's the same kanji and the same reading that is used for the Brave Series 勇者シリーズ (Yuusha Series). Yuuta is literally 'brave' and/or 'courageous'.
  • Tender Tears
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Episode 13 - he neglects and verbally snaps at Deckerd, since Yuuta's archeologist parents are visiting and he'd rather focus on them. This is called out several times by pretty much everybody, and he repents fully.
    • Episode 28, after Deckerd decides to have his memories re-written - his claim it's Deckerd's decision what action he takes, makes his sisters and the team berate him for giving up on him.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: For him, it's bugs and ghosts.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

Deckerd (デッカード, model BP-110)

Voiced by: Tohru Furusawa

  • A Boy and His X: A robot and his boy.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He is the most empathic, nicest person among the team, and is always professional when dealing with criminals of whatever kind. Unless people he's close to reject or ignore him big time, or loneliness is eating on him.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: When Gaizonite takes control of him in his weakened state after the Chieftains nearly killed him.
  • The Heart: He shares this role with Yuuta.
  • The Hero
  • Heroic BSOD: After Deckerd lost his memories, Yuuta is trying to jog them in the warehouse where they met each other. He slides down the vent to burst into the underground room like he used to do. But Deckerd fails to catch him, and Yuuta gets hurt at the leg yet he insists they will do it again until he remembers. At this point Deckerd snaps - screaming Enough already! as he punches a hole into the ground, then begs Yuuta in an agonized voice to stop hurting himself. The boy flees with the elevator, and he falls to his knees, asking him for forgiveness and that he doesn't want to see Yuuta suffer. After that he agrees to let Regina reprogram him.
    • A different version occurs in the dream episode where the Brave Police temporarily disbands. Everyone finds a new calling, except Deckerd who can't imagine a life without the Brave Police. Yuuta throws his belongings out of the Tomonaga house so Deckerd would stop clinging to his old life. Later he suffers from two illusions in the Decker Room - all of his team comrades whom invite him to a drink, and Saejima whom he bears his heart to. The last straw are two unfamiliar police mechs that mention the Brave Police disbanded save for one, stubborn robot. This causes Deckerd to run away to the warehouse where he was built, not caring that he's low on fuel and will shut-down, which will lead to his death after a short time. It is implied that not only the loss of his purpose affected him, but also the seemingly abandonment by his friends.
  • Hidden Depths: Deckerd handles it badly when he feels lonely. For all his competence and positive outlook, he is (at least) slightly emotional dependent on his friends and has abandoning issues. It's so bad that when he feels rejected or is separated from his friends, the worst which can happen is that he suffers a meltdown in which he becomes shockingly aggressive. One of the robot thieves in episode 13 experienced this first hand. And even in milder forms, Deckerd acts irrationally and gets easily frustrated.
  • Japanese Pronouns: He uses 'watashi' frequently, highlighting his polite and friendly nature. Justified as he was programmed to 'identify' that way - he was supposed to be a 'proper policeman'.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia / Trauma-Induced Amnesia: Deckerd in episode 28. No wonder after the physical and emotional trauma he suffered: Being beaten near death by the two first Chieftains, then Gaizonite merged him in his injured condition with J-Decker into Satan J-Decker, then forced him into wrecking havoc and attacking his friends. Once Gaizonite fled and released his control on Deckerd, he reverted back to his injured state.

McCrane (マクレーヌ, model BP-301)

Voiced by: Ryotaro Okiayu

Member of the original Build Team and their de-facto leader.

  • Demonic Possession: By courtesy of Inti.
  • Heroic BSOD: Once Inti releases her control over McCrane and he realizes what he did, the shock makes him faint.
  • Hidden Depths: McCrane only uses his gun when it's necessary and is one of the most cool-headed robots on the team. However, deep down he feels vehement resentment to all criminals, whom he deems 'scum' and wishes to kill, as shown when the demon Inti possesses him. His violent outburst and intense emotions scare and disgust him, especially since he didn't think he felt such desires before.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue (calm, rational) to Powerjoe's red (enthusiastic, loud). He's also the blue oni to Dumpson and Drillboy. This extends also to their actual color schemes. McCrane's primary color in robot form is a dark, rich blue; Powerjoe, Dumpson, and Drillboy sport yellow, red, and orange respectively.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": McCrane/MacLane (from Anime News Network)
  • Technical Pacifist: He abhors violence, but as one of the Brave Police he'll defend himself and others if he has to.

Power Joe (パワージョー, model BP-302)

Voiced by: Takumi Yamazaki

Member of the original Build Team.

Dumpson (ダンプソン, model BP-303)

Voiced by: Mitsuaki Hoshino

Member of the original Build Team.

  • Hot-Blooded
  • Official Couple: Him and Ayako.
  • Robosexual: They have a mutual love for each other, they go out on dates, and she even kissed him once - although in the latter case, it's merely in Deckerd's dream in episode 40. Ayako's likely more attracted to his personality rather than him being a machine, however.

Drill Boy (ドリルボーイ, model BP-304)

Voiced by: Hiro Yuki

Shadowmaru (シャドウ丸, model BP-501)

Voiced by: Fumihiko Tachiki

  • Animal Motif: One of his alternative modes is a dog/wolf.
  • Highly-Visible Ninja: Shadowmaru invokes this trope only when he wants to show off. Otherwise he averts this as he operates like a real life ninja, secretly gathering intelligence and doing recon when he is sent to solo missions.
  • Ninja: Justified, as he actually was designed around intelligence gathering and recon. This and his aversion of Highly-Visible Ninja makes him close to a real life ninja.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: He's a robot ninja police man, with a dash of dog/wolf.

Gunmax (ンマックス, model BP-601)

Voiced by: Naoki Makishima

  • BFG: Max Cannon.
  • Cool Bike: Gunbike. Gunmax's vehicle for patrolling, its other main purposes are either to become a jetpack armor that lets him fly or combine with him to build the Gunmax Cannon. He is so good at driving Gunbike, however, that he uses it for attacking even when it's not in a combat form.
  • Cool Shades
  • Defrosting Ice King: The first to break through his shell is Yuuta in episode 20. Deckerd follows in the next episode.
  • Fall Guy: By manipulating video evidence, Kirisaki tried to pin the blame for crimes he committed on Gunmax just for the sake of getting Gunmax accused.
  • Gratuitous English: Invoked in several rather awkward situations.

Love you, baby!

Duke Knight (デューク, model BP-119)

  • The Ace: Subverted. Regina worked to make him this, the 'perfect police man' who isn't controlled by his feelings. Duke received the best, improved traits from the other Brave Police Japan members in terms of systems, is well trained and truly competent. Most of his comrades at the Scotland Yard Brave Police adore or admire him, and he is seen as the pinnacle of current Super-A.I. development. Unlike his original team, however, the Brave Police Japan is unbiased - they instantly call him out on his arrogance the moment they meet him. The next few episodes show he isn't undefeatable either which helps him mellow out and get along with the others.
  • Break the Haughty: Lighter and softer version, as well as defied. Duke starts out very arrogant due to his upbringing but he realizes his flaws early on before it comes to any 'breaking', and he learns to become a better person.
  • Character Development: When he first joined to serve as interim leader while Deckerd was incapacitated/"dead", he was haughty, picky and generally not meshing well with the Braves. He slowly learns to get along over the next few episodes, and eventually the Japanese Brave team accepts him fully.
  • New Meat: The team rejects him as he's intended to replace Deckerd as the new leader. His attitude in the beginning does't help the situation either.
  • Theme Naming: The Knight stems from the chess theme invoked in the names of the first Scotland Yard Brave Police members that were presented to the public. The other members' names are: King, Bishop, Rook and Pawn.

Tokyo Police Department

Superintendent General Juzo Saejima (冴島・十三 Saejima Juzo)

Voiced by: Ryuzaburo Otomo

  • Benevolent Boss: Crossing over with A Father to His Men. He genuinely cares about the Brave Police and their issues, defending them frequently against Azuma, stepping in for their interests and believing in them. A good example early in the show is after the original Build Team failed two times to form Build Tiger. Azuma sets the ultimatum that if this should happen a third time, Yuuta will be fired. Saejima asks the three if they think they can do it; when they say yes, he tells Azuma he will take responsibility as well should they fail, to satisfy his colleague.
    • Saejima also rejects the Gunpulater project once Yuuta tells him the team doesn't want the system installed into them.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer
  • Cool Old Guy
  • Real Men Wear Pink: A literal case with his pink nightgown(!) and bedcap. He has no problems wearing a pink whole-bodysuit either, or imagining himself in a school-girl uniform. In the middle of a background you would expect from a romantic shojo anime, next to Deckerd in the same uniform and a brown haired wig with a pink bow on top.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Saejima has regular moments of this, leading to awkwardness for those present.

Vice (Inspector) General Katsuto Azuma (東・一門 Azuma Katsuto)

Voiced by: Kazuo Oka

Shunsuke Toudou (藤堂・俊助 Toudou Shunsuke), development designer of the Brave Police Japan

Voiced by: Masaaki Tsukada

The Tomonaga Family

Eldest daughter Azuki Tomonaga (友永・くるみ Tomonaga Kurumi)

Voiced by: Michiko Neya

Elder daughter Kurumi Tomonaga (友永・あずき Tomonaga Azuki)

Voiced by: Mika Yanada

Father Yuuichirou Tomonaga (友永・勇一郎 Tomonaga Yuuichirou)

Mother Amami Tomonaga (友永・亜真美 Tomonaga Amami)

  • Big Eater: She had several dishes in front of her in her debut episode and with the speed she was wolfing down food, she likely had eaten a lot already. But as she says, she has been missing good food abroad.

Allies and Friends

Seia Onoue (尾上・せいあ Onoue Seia)

Voiced by: Etsuko Ishikawa

Ayako Kimizuka (君塚・綾子 Kimizuka Ayako)

Voiced by: Takumi Kurebayashi

  • Fiery Redhead
  • Hot Scoop
  • Robosexual: Ayako's likely more attracted to his personality rather than him being a machine. But they have a mutual love for each other, they go out on dates, and she even kissed him once - although in the latter case, it's merely in Deckerd's dream in episode 40. Then again, considering her character, it'd be likely she would be the one to initiate their first kiss anyway.

Kagerou (カゲロウ, model BP-500X)

Voiced by: Shigeru Nakahara

Regina Argine (レジーナ・アルジーン)

Voiced by: Yuko Miyamura

The Scotland Yard Brave Police

  • All in The Manual: The manga fleshes out their characters.
  • Theme Naming: Beatles and Chess - Ringo King, John Bishop, Paul Rook and George Pawn. Playing cards: Ace, Jack and Ten.

(Ringo) King (リンゴ・キング)

  • Always Someone Better: He always gets compared to Duke and told how much better the other would be. This has made King insecure and doubting himself. He tries to hide this under an arrogant mask and sticking to the rules.

(John) Bishop (ジョン・ビショップ)

(Paul) Rook (ポール・ルーク)

(George) Pawn (ジョージ・ポーン)

Enemies and Criminals

Warning of Spoilers!

Read at your own risk.

Gaizonite (ガイゾナイ)

Ken Shinjo (新庄・健 Shinjo Ken)

The demon Inti (邪神 インティ)

  • Demonic Possession: Beside 'infecting' people, Inti sometimes takes control of single persons directly like with McCrane or Drillboy.
  • Emotion Eater: She feeds on hidden desires, and by spreading her magic she makes the affected people act out on them. Since such desires are often of violent or dark nature, she caused at least one civilisation's demise by its own people destroying their culture.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning
  • Sealed Evil in a Can

Victim O'Rand (ビクティム・オーランド)

Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu

Neuva Fahrzeug (ノイバー・フォルツォイク), Alias: Tony Crusader (トニー・クルセイダ-)

Eva Fahrzeug

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