< Brave New World (novel)

Brave New World (novel)/Awesome

  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: At the end of John and Mond's debate, John decides that he wants the freedom and the unhappiness with the defiant words: "I claim them all."
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The worship of Henry Ford looks even sillier given the direction of his namesake company and the U.S. car industry as a whole.
  • Moral Event Horizon: The painful conditioning of Delta babies against books and flowers.
  • Nightmare Fuel: For John, the hundreds of human clones who he describes as "long rows of identical midgets" and "human maggots squirming over beds of death."
  • Squick: In the casually promiscuous society in which the book takes place, it is considered healthy - even endearing - for young children to sexually experiment with each other. There is also a memorable passage pointing out the more Freudian aspects of breastfeeding, and the descriptions of John's mother.
  • Values Resonance: One of the newer printings says this on the back cover.
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