< Brand New Day

Brand New Day/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Once Roger Stern was announced as the writer for Peter's encounter with Juggernaut.
  • Broken Base: At this point opinion about Brand New Day is divided between two factions - "Traditionalists” who believe it's good return to best years of Spider-Man and "Progressive Fans” who loathe it for being the Status Quo brought by One More Day.
    • And the "Good Storytelling Fans" who are willing to ignore the whole "married vs single" thing if story is good and are generally annoyed by two other sides' endless arguments.
    • Quite a few fans hate the fact that The Lizard ends up killing Billy Connors and view it as a way to make the series edgier
  • Complete Monster: Norman Osborn is always this, but this story shows just how low he can sink by trying to have Harry, his own son killed just so the general public would feel sorry for him. What kind of sick person would try to kill their kid for such a self-serving reason?!
  • Continuity Porn: The Juggernaut story.
  • Creator's Pet: Carlie Cooper. Good Gods, when will it stop! Everyone, and everyone seems to think she is the perfect woman for Peter. Even Mary Jane- The same woman who once said her marriage to Peter was the most important thing in the world to her and that she loved Peter more than anything else is actually pushing for her former husband, to hook up with this girl.
    • Especially if you look at her as a Composite Character taking bits of old love interests (see her full spread on the Creator's Pet page for more) and using them instead of giving her a genuine identity.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: The entire Spidey versus Deadpool issue.
    • Peter's stuff randomly getting set on fire.
  • Dork Age: The follow-up of One More Day was obviously doomed to be this for many fans. However, aside from One More Day's central marriage issue many have given Brand New Day a chance.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Mr. Negative quickly became very popular, during Dark Reign he even got his own mini-series, dealing with him fighting The Hood. Norah and Jameson also have surprisingly large fanbases.
    • Even those that hate OMD AND BND/OMIT admit that seeing some C-list villains with dangerous potential, that is to say Chameleon and Spot, is a great idea.
  • Fan Dumb: No matter how good the series is, many fans refuse to read it strictly because One More Day was so terrible. Ironically, the OMIT story that brought many of these readers back (out of morbid curiosity) sent them away just as quickly.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Peter and Mary Jane. Outside of that, Spider-Man/Ms. Marvel was the only other pairing most were pulling for before Peter hooked up with Carlie.
    • Brian Reed actually managed to make Spider-Man/Ms. Marvel into a popular pairing.
  • Growing the Beard: As time passed, comics and the writers become more focused on what course they want to take Spider-Man.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Spot, after finally realizing how powerful he is. There's a reason why the guy Spider-Man saved from him went crazy – Spot can go anywhere, there are no doors or locks or guards he cannot pass through. If he's after you, there is no safe place – he will come and get you whenever he wants. He might be watching you right now, without you even realizing it, he can come after your friends or family and there's nothing you can do about it.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Norman crossed it again By making Harry join his superhero team for the purpose of killing him, so he might be seen as a tragic hero. Thereby making the general public more willing to let him do whatever he wants. Yes, he planned to kill his son for good PR.
    • Lampshaded with Lizard.

Lizard: I feel strange. What's that feeling?
Spider-Man: It's called shame. You killed a child. Get used to it.

  • Refuge in Audacity: a scene in New Ways To Die. Harry finding his father in the office, wearing his Goblin outfit (without the mask) and holding a mug? Heh, relatively normal. Said mug reading "World's greatest dad"? You gotta have balls.
  • The Scrappy: Lots of new characters – Michele and Vin Gonzalez, Dexter Bennet and Carlie Cooper have sizable hatedoms, among others. Menace wasn't very well received by fans, but improved eventually.
  • Ship-to-Ship Combat: Dan Slott, Joe Kelly and Mark Waid had different ideas over which girl - Carlie, Norah or Michaele - should be Peter's girlfriend. Results were completely insane, especially when other writers started picking sides.
    • Not to mention Brian Reed decided to throw his hat in and started pairing Spider-Man with Ms. Marvel.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Chameleon posing as Peter and having sex with Michele. This open letter to Fred Van Lente explains why.
    • Also, Shed has humans turning wild and mating, which can also be seen as rape.
      • Van Lente went on the record as saying that the Chameleon only made out with Michele. Also, a lot of the fan rage happened before the story was even finished.
  • Win Back the Crowd: Big Time, a "refocus" of the series has actually successfully resulted in a massive and consistent sells jump for the Spider-Man comics.
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