< Brand New

Brand New/YMMV

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    • Face of the Band: Jesse Lacey is the most recognizable member.
    • Magnum Opus: Commonly agreed to be The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me.
      • Disputed. Some fans agree with the above sentiment, while others swear by Deja Entendu.
        • There's even a minority of fans who consider Daisy to be the band's magnum opus. That's not to say all three albums aren't fantastic.
    • Nightmare Fuel: Just about once a song from the latter half Deja Entendu onward, though Your Favorite Weapon isn't really light in its lyrical content either. Special mention goes to The Devil and God are Raging Inside of Me for its death-obsessed lyrical content, and Daisy, where the narrator seems to become progressively more and more mentally unhinged.
    • Tear Jerker: "Play Crack the Sky" and "Jesus" are two examples.
      • "Me Vs. Maradona Vs. Elvis" and "Limousine" (which is also Nightmare Fuel).
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