< Brains and Bondage
Brains and Bondage/Playing With
Basic Trope: People into bondage are portrayed as philosophical/intellectual.
- Straight: Mistress Alice, a Dominatrix, is brilliant and philosophical.
- Exaggerated: Mistress Alice is the smartest person in the world.
- Justified: She became a dominatrix to put herself through law school.
- Inverted: Mistress Alice is The Ditz.
- Subverted: Alice becomes a Dominatrix to put herself through law school, but discovers that she isn't into it, and quits the job.
- Double Subverted:...Because she wants to Dom for love, not money.
- Parodied: All the high IQ society talks about is bondage.
- Deconstructed: Because of her intelligence and bondage fetish, Mistress Alice has trouble finding friends or romantic partners, and feels doubly isolated.
- Reconstructed: Until she finds Slave John, who is just as intelligent as she is.
- Zig Zagged: Alice likes BSDM. She is noted as an amazing computer tech. But she then fumbles with a computer. Actually, the personal settings were odd. Not that it helped when they got changed. But that's because the data she needs is in a random place, so it just looked like Alice was stumbling around.
- Averted:
- Casual Kink or Bondage Is Bad
- Alice is not into bondage.
- Enforced: The Author is into bondage and is frustrated with Bondage Is Bad stories.
- Lampshaded: "Do you keep the bullwhip behind the PHD?"
- Invoked: "We need somebody who is smart but also has a sexual notability."
- Exploited: The villan uses BSDM in order to get the smart one to work for them by displaying an apparent comfort to them.
- Defied: Alice is smart, but the only reason she has the mask is to scare people, she really dislikes unnecessary pain.
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
*whip crack* Back to Brains and Bondage.
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