Bottle Fairy (anime)
"In short, if we go through this 'entrance ceremony', that means we can go to school!"
Bottle Fairy (瓶詰妖精|Binzume Yōsei) is an anime series about four fairies who discover the secrets of the world from inside their little house. The show originally aired from October to December 2003 on UHF syndication in Japan, and each episode has a run time of only 12 minutes. It has been licensed in North America by Geneon and was released on two DVDs during 2005 and 2006.
Bottle Fairy is a comedy series. The show follows a simple pattern, consisting of the Bottle Fairies misinterpreting the world around them. The fairies learn about Japanese culture and traditions with each episode taking place in a different month.
Kururu, Sarara, Hororo and Chiriri are little season fairies living in bottles in the bedroom of a college student they call "Senseisan" (literally "Mr. Teacher"). The series focuses on their learning about the human world, letting their imaginations get away with them, and experiencing all the months of the year. All the while, the four fairies (especially Kururu) develop crushes on Senseisan and decide that they absolutely must become human.
Or, condensed: Just plain adorable.
Not to be confused with the trope formerly known as Bottle Fairy, or the other trope about bottles and fairies.
- Big Eater: Hororo
- Bokukko: Sarara
- Cameo: Stellvia of the Universe's main character, Katase Shima, is the girl in the Dating Sim Tama-chan was playing during episode 7
- Cloudcuckoolander: Hororo
- Crossdresser: They all wind up filling opposite gender roles at some point in their various fantasies, often leading to situations taking somewhat unexpected and confusing turns, especially when the fairy so-changed gets the others fantasies inflicted on them. For instance, Kururu, on deciding to become a boy, was imagined by Chiriri, Sarara, and Hororo as a 'Prince Charming', a Samurai, and a Mafia-esque gangster respectively.
- Cute Little Fangs: Tama-chan has one of these
- Genki Girl: Kururu sure is energetic. As is Tama-chan
- Hey, It's That Voice!!: Any Lucky Star fan watching the english dub is sure to notice a few voices. Sarara, Chiriri, Hororo and Tama-Chan's english voices are Hiyori, Miyuki, Akira and Kanata, respectively.
- Idiot Hair: Both Hororo and Kururu have a ahoge, though only Kururu's stands up
- Les Yay: Except the fairies are all too naive to notice. Tense romantic/sexual situations have been instantly resolved by their realising they haven't a ruddy clue what's actually going on anyway, then getting distracted by something else entirely.
- Nice Guy: Sensei-san.
- Nice Hat: Chiriri is never caught without a hat. In one episode, she writes a poem about it, ending in "let's all protect our precious skulls"
- Puni Plush: Everyone but Senseisan, but even on him a little, though less so to emphasise his maturity.
- Team Pet: Oboro-chan, a capsule toy given life due to the fairies taking literally his capsule's background caption.
- To Become Human: With a slightly unexpected result.
- What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: Has its moments, including a Seppuku fantasy and Hororo's "I'm your Valentine gift" bit.
- Widget Series