< Bonus Boss

Bonus Boss/Quotes

Marisa: Woah, it's cold up on the mountain. The hot springs appeared and the spirits went away; isn't that enough work for now?
Alice: (Look, it's the extra dungeon for after you beat the game. Good luck!)

Marisa: Geez, who started that, anyway? Isn't it enough to have cleared the game in the first place? If there's always an extra dungeon, then the last boss just becomes a midboss!
Touhou Chireiden: Subterranean Animism, Extra Stage

James: All right, this shouldn't be too hard!
Jessie: What are you talking about? That thing will crush us easily!
James: Not if we wipe it out on the first turn! Look, it only has 8 HP!

Jessie: James? That's the symbol for infinity.
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