< Bomberman Jetters

Bomberman Jetters/YMMV

The Bomberman Jetters anime:

  • Crowning Moment of Funny: "CHOCO-BANANA BOMBER!"
    • Episode 14 entirely, full stop.
    • Mermaid Bomber in love with Birdy. In one scene, she describes him as 'My honey!~'. The scene then cuts to Birdy shivering suddenly.
    • Episode 27 as well.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Many of the flashbacks of Mighty and White Bomber's time together.
  • Family-Unfriendly Aesop: Episode 32, regarding Pui: So, your friend abandons you because he thinks you aren't cool enough anymore? Is he unjustly judging you because of something superficial? No, this is obviously all your fault. You should therefore do everything in your power to make your shame go away and pray that he is able to forgive you. And if he does, don't even bother bringing up his questionable values afterwards. After all, you're just an awkward man.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Birdy comes across to some as this. He can be rather mean at times, but has moments that show he has a nice side to him as well.
  • The Scrappy: The main character.
    • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap, for some. Shirobon is a pretty sympathetic character, while Shout is a witch with capital B who abuses him at the drop of a hat.
  • Tear Jerker: Mighty's hologram from the final episode, particularly when he realizes that, since he doesn't have his badge, he can't hear his friends one last time.
    • Shirobon's training with Zero can be this.

Zero: "Didn't your brother always say, 'I love you, Shirobon'?"

The Bomberman Jetters video game:

  • Fridge Logic: If the game's sense of space physics were at all realistic, deactivating just one engine would have saved Planet Bomber. The Dark Star would have shifted - if not spiraled - off-course and away from Planet Bomber.
  • Macekre: The English version of the game has terrible voice acting and localization, though some would say it's...
    • So Bad It's Good: The voice acting can be this at times, especially with "Superhero Birdy", Japanese-stereotype Gangu, the extremely bored-sounding Max, and Thunder Bomber.
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