< Bodyguard Crush
Bodyguard Crush/Playing With
Basic Trope: The bodyguard falls in love with the girl he's supposed to protect, and/or she falls in love with him.
- Straight: After years of having her life saved by Bob, princess Alice confesses her love for him.
- Exaggerated: As soon as Bob is designated as princess Alice's bodyguard, she falls in love with him.
- Justified: Bob and Alice gradually warm to each other as they spend time together, and a romantic relationship emerges organically.
- Inverted: Bob can't stand Alice. Seriously, his perfect dream would be someone paying him more to kill Alice than he's currently paid to keep her alive.
- Subverted: Bob pretends to be both Alice's bodyguard and boyfriend, because Alice's father wants her to stay single for a few years.
- Doubly Subverted: But Bob Becomes the Mask.
- Parodied: Despite sexual incompatibility, cultural differences or the fact that one of them isn't even human (guard dogs, etc.), have never met before or been in the same time zone before the job, this happens. Comedy ensues.
- Deconstructed: Alice has a romance with her bodyguard Bob. She ends up being killed because she refused to let Bob die to save her.
- Reconstructed: Because of the Power of Love, Bob goes above and beyond to bring those who killed Alice to justice and spends his remaining years in honor of Alice's memory.
- Averted: Bob and Alice don't fall in love, and their relationship remains strictly professional.
- Lampshaded: As soon as the bodyguard position is accepted, the question of where to hold the wedding comes up next.
- Invoked: Alice has a crush on Bob, so she picks him as a bodyguard, hoping he will fall in love with her.
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