< Body Horror

Body Horror/Web Original

  • Tech Infantry, as a spinoff of the Old World of Darkness (see above under Tabletop Games), also has the Tszimisce clan, but their Viscissitude abilities are weaponized for soldiers of the Black Hand. These abilities are also retconned into being partial but progressive possession by the Soul Eater aliens from the planet Fieras VI, who eventually totally transform their victims into new Soul Eaters and completely take over their minds.
Amusing fact: This isn't actually a retcon as such, because the origin story of Vicissitude as given in the much-reviled supplement Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand is basically this, except replace "alien virus" with "spirit virus from the netherworld." That idea was retconned in revised edition, so Tech Infantry is retconning the Retcon.
  • The SCP Foundation has so very much that trying to list them all would involve recreating half the site here. Reading random articles for any length of time is bound to make your skin crawl.
  • Parodied in Homestar Runner: An Easter Egg in one of the Halloween specials shows the character Stinkoman (a character who is a walking anime parody) dressed up as Speed Racer for Halloween, and he comes up to 'your house' to get candy. One of the treats you can give him is a can with the word "Akira" printed on it. Guess what happens when you give that "Treat" to Stinkoman?
    • "Waaaaaaagh!! ....It tickles!"
  • Gaia Online's Timmy experienced this trope in an Ugly Cute way after his legal guardian sealed him in a barrel of toxic waste just to see what would happen.
    • It says something that even Timmy is grossed out by the Penanggalan from the Nightmare evolving item. "It even has a cute female companion-- eeeeeugh never mind I think I have to go lie down..."
      • Which is sad because the Penanggalan is really quite Moe... at least, as much as a severed head with a dangling string of entrails can be considered Moe.
  • Artist Alan M. Clark embodies this trope very well in his series of medical horror paintings. Try this painting [dead link] , as well as this one [dead link] .
  • There is a well circulated picture called Lotus Boob which I will not link to here. Suffice it to say, the image of a lotus superimposed over a human areola and its implications of burrowed parasites is more than enough Nightmare Fuel. Thank God that it's fake.
  • In the same vein as the above example, there's a email on Snopes with a .jpg attached of human fingers with lamprey mouths Photoshopped onto the pads. It's meant to be a joke: too much typing and mousing will wear holes in your fingers, har har!
  • Hell, the infamous Goatse while we're at it. How is that physically possible.
    • Encyclopedia Dramatica uses it on the 'kittens' page.
  • Spengbab. Dear Lord.
  • Saunich der Hejhaug.
  • Whateley Universe. Horror author Michael Waite is dying of cancer. Oh no, that's just what the doctors think. It's much worse than that. After he 'dies', he wakes up in the morgue. For starters, he vomits up his own internal organs. It turns out the reason he was such a good horror story writer is he's not fully human to start with.
  • Every single character in Ruby Quest. (Minus Bella, that is) Some of them aren't particularly obvious -- Red, for instance, looks perfectly normal in his first appearance. And then he laughs. Others, though, are so twisted you can barely tell what they once were, including Stiches and Number Six. Oh dear god, Number Six...
    • You sure you didn't mean to say Number Five?
  • This. A creepy bagworm moth enthusiast/med student who has trouble with a cheating wife. If you know anything about bagworm moths, you can probably guess where this is going.
    • If you can actually guess where that's going, by knowing something about bagworm moths, you're probably wearing a body suit made of people.
  • Hey kids, did you ever wonder what's the REAL reason why you put Pokèmons into different Pokèballs? Well, wonder no more.
  • Many of the "powers" in Survival of the Fittest Mini site spinoff SOTF: Evolution fall into this. Some are pretty "standard" as powers go, such as solar-powered Super Strength and invisibility, "memory absorption", Telepathy, and control over electricity, while others are pretty pathetic. Others, however, include things such as mold growing from the mouth and a character developing cat-like claws that are poisonous. The most notable one, though, goes to Johnny Marsh's "power", in which his skin is invisible, but the rest of him (muscles, organs, etc.) aren't. This, of course, means that his muscles are completely visible like an anatomical model. This receives a Lampshade Hanging when the scientists puts a full-body scuba suit on him to avoid him scaring the other subjects and interfering with the research. And then there's Billy-Jay Clarke's death in which he suffers a power malfunction, causing his eyes to catch fire and melt out of their sockets...
  • Cyriak Just... Cyriak.
    • For a sample of his work, here's a gif of some sort of crawling person monster...It's coming this way!
  • Many of the results generated by the Mutate-o-Matic fall into this.
  • Most of the entries on PhotoShop Disasters
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