< Bodacious Space Pirates

Bodacious Space Pirates/Characters

Marika Kato

Voiced by: Mikako Komatsu

The main character. Marika starts off the story as a schoolgirl who participates in her school's space yacht club and works part-time at a local Maid Cafe. It soon turns out that she is actually the only daughter of Gonzaemon Kato, captain of the pirate ship Bentenmaru, and therefore the only person who can take his place (legally). While she's reluctant to take on the role, she does display natural talent for the job and accepts becoming Captain of the Bentenmaru.

Tropes relating to Marika's Pirate persona

  • Action Girl: Takes on "a brave passenger" aboard the Princess Apricot in a sword fight, and wins... kinda.
  • Affably Evil: Tells the passengers of the Princess Apricot they won't be harmed so long as they comply with her demands.
  • Badass Adorable: When they raid the Princess Apricot Hyakume says the passengers will be really happy as not only do they get to experience a pirate raid, the pirate's captain is a cute girl.
  • Badass Cape: One of the many modifications Mami added made the cape on Marika's pirate uniform even more badass looking.
  • Badass Longcoat
  • Catch Phrase: Saa! Kaizoku no jikan da! (It's time for some piracy!)
  • Combat Pragmatist: When she loses her duel against Kane she uses a hidden gun to just shoot him instead.
  • Cool Hat: de rigueur for a pirate captain, specifically it's a Bicorne.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Especially her big speeches during the raid on the Princess Apricot. Chiaki even comments that Marika seems to be getting really into it.
    • When she herself poses as Marika in ep. 10, though, she arguably hams it up even more.
  • Evil Laugh: In episode 6... well she gives it a a go at least.
  • Pimped-Out Dress: Thanks to Mami's modifications

Chiaki Kurihara

Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa

Introduced as just the New Transfer Student to Marika's class, Chiaki turns out to be aware of Marika's parentage, and display similar skills in piloting a space ship. She's actually the daughter of the captain of the pirate ship Barbaroosa.

Ririka Kato

Voiced by: Yuko Kaida

Marika's mother, and a former Space Pirate herself.

Kane McDougal

Voiced by: Masaya Matsukaze

Helmsman aboard the Bentenmaru, and Marika's substitute teacher.

  • Ace Pilot
  • Bishounen: In his role as a teacher, he teaches a few dozen teenage girls, several of whom notice how pretty he is.
    • In Episode 19, after they've learned his identity, several of them demand he teach them how to pilot dinghies. Very loudly and insistently.
  • Happily Married: He and Misa pose as a married couple as part of their cover identities at Hakuho Academy.

Misa Grandwood

Voiced by: Shizuka Ito

The medic aboard the Bentenmaru.


Voiced by: Kenta Miyake

The Bentenmaru's weapons officer, a hulking, demonic Cyborg. Not a Gentle Giant by any means, but much nicer than one might expect from his appearance.

  • The Big Guy: Literally and metaphorically.
  • Caped Mecha: Cyborg, technically, but apart from that he's got the aesthetic down pat.
  • Chest Blaster: Six of 'em, and they're implied to be only part of an extensive suite of built-in weaponry.
  • Face of a Thug: Actually looks outright demonic, though when he talks he's fairly polite and soft spoken. He's also shy about being seen by people he doesn't know unless he's working.
  • Horned Humanoid: It may be a helmet but he's never seen with it off.
  • The Quiet One: Doesn't talk much at all.

Jenny Dolittle

Voiced by: Rina Sato.

President of the Hakuho Academy Space Yacht Club - and, therefore, captain of the Odette II. Lynn's lover. .

  • The Captain: Acts in this role for the Odette II's cruise. While she doesn't seem to share Marika's tactical talent, she appears a natural at the crew management aspect.
  • Club President
  • Damsel in Distress: In episode 17 it's revealed she, being forced into an Arranged Marriage by her uncle and Lynn wants to hire the Bentenmaru to rescue her...
    • Badass Damsel: Which is rendered moot when she takes a chance to escape by shooting her way to an electronic warfare/recon fighter with a pistol she had hidden under her wedding dress.
  • Lipstick Lesbian
  • School Idol
  • Ojou: Heir to the Dolittle Space Shipping conglomerate.
  • Precision F-Strike/Sophisticated As Hell: Her response to Lightening 11's demand for the Odette II's immediate surrender was "Bakame!" which is roughly equivalent to saying "You stupid son of a bitch!" in English, Crunchyroll subtitled it as "Nuts!". Either way it's not language you'd normally hear from an Ojou
  • Put on a Bus: Jenny has graduated from Hakuho Academy by Sailing 12.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: A pistol to be precise.

Lynn Lambretta


Voiced by:' Youko Hikasa

Vice-president of the Space Yacht Club. A troublemaker and skilled hacker. She is also a lesbian and Jenny's lover.

Mami Endo

Voiced by: Chiaki Omigawa

Marika's friend and co-worker from the Maid Cafe. The only named character who has never been into space.

Princess Gruier Serenity

Voiced by: Haruka Tomatsu

A princess who stows away on the Bentenmaru.

Gruier: "...Cease fire immediately! Failure to comply will be regarded as treason! That is all!

Grunhilde Serenity

Voiced by: Hisako Kanemoto

Gruier's younger sister.


Voiced by: Yui Horie

Electronic Warfare.


Voiced by: Kaoru Mizuhara

Navigator and Seer.


Voiced by: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka

Engineer, Damage Control.


Voiced by: Keiji Fujiwara

Laser Radar, Intel.

Ai Hoshimiya

Voiced by: Ai Kayano

New member of the Space Yacht Club and is a rookie pilot.

  • Ace Pilot: Effortlessly dodges gunfire from Jenny's Evil Uncle ships.
    • In episode 20 she dodges out of danger easily when one of the other girls loses control of her yacht in the simulator... which Kane had set to replicate the "great red spot" on Jupiter which is home to the strongest winds in the solar system.
    • In episode 21, after her dinghy's electronics have been knocked out, Ai has no navigation systems. What does she do? Open the hatch and proceed to stellar navigate by sight, without even a sextant.
  • Badass Adorable: When she's in at the helm, she's like a moefied Wash.
  • Bob Haircut
  • The Danza: Is voiced by Ai Kayano
  • Dude Magnet: During the Space Yacht Club's raid on the Princess Apricot out of all the girls, she is the only one being hit on.
  • Nice Hat
  • Shrinking Violet: Appears as this at first, but is slowly starting to come out of her shell.

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