< Boatmurdered


  • From the early run, this[1]:
- It's dwarf bread, man. The cat peed on it, and it doubles as a lethal throwing weapon.
That makes sense. I bet it menaces with spikes of bread too.
  • No kings' necropolis for you:

Locus: Well at least we're resting peacefully in our tombs. In spirit. Probably underneath elephant remains, in the physical sense.
Bremen: I ran out of coffins. Then I ran out of designated graveyard space. Most of you are spending your eternal rest in the garbage dump.

  • Practically the entirety of StarkRavingMad's run, but especially this line:

I finished making the Broker's mini-forges. He immediately issued a mandate that no mini-forges could be exported. I guess the cocksucker really likes his fucking mini-forges.

    • Also:

The Manager demanded a clear glass window in his room. To fucking look at what, I asked him. Your room doesn't have a hole leading to the outside. Your room doesn't have a view of anything. The best I can do is put in a window that is 2 feet away from a stone wall. He doesn't give a shit. He wants a window. Fine, I hope the cocksucker falls through it while drunk.

  • The elephant massacre making such an impression that for the rest of the game, almost every piece of artwork created features elephants killing dwarves. (Or cheese.)
  • The monarch butterfly wedging the door open.
  1. Consider that dwarves becoming possessed and making something that menaces with spikes of stuff happened so much it turned into a Running Gag involuntarily
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