< Boards of Canada

Boards of Canada/YMMV

/wiki/Boards of Canadacreator
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The fandom is divided between the albums Music Has the Right to Children and Geogaddi.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Parts of Geogaddi (there's also a few normal, soothing ambient tracks in it as well) and the In a Beautiful Place Out in the Country EP
    • How about the "I... Lovveee... You..." samples on Music Has The Right To Children? Downright Uncanny Valley stuff right here.
    • And within Geogaddi itself, "You Could Feel the Sky". See below for further info.
    • Opening The Mouth. My God.
    • "The Devil Is is in The Details". Not a good idea to listen to in a dark room.
    • "1969," which crosses Boards of Canada's Right to Children-era sunny sound with unsettling vocoder bits and references to cults.
  • Overshadowed by Controversy: The band complained about people going nuts with overanalysing Geogaddi in a 2005 interview:

"All the mystery and magic and all this kind of nonsense that built up around the last record [Geogaddi] got to a point where it was just silly. People were understanding things from our music that we didn't put in there and were saying there was an evil undercurrent to everything. And we are not like that at all. It was a theme that we wanted to pursue on that record but people have understood from that that we always put secret, dark, sinister, and satanic things in our music. And that became more important than the music itself."

  • What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: Although it's not known if Boards of Canada does drugs when composing music, many fans feel that listening to Boards of Canada's trippy, psychedelic sounds is a drug experience in itself.
    • Especially when on drugs.
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