< Blue Valentine

Blue Valentine/YMMV

  • Award Snub: Ryan Gosling, surprisingly, didn't get nominated. And it's exclusion for a Best Picture nomination.
  • Tear Jerker: Probably one of the biggest Tear Jerker Romantic films in a really long time.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Ryan Gosling's character is a loving father and devoted husband, while Michelle Williams' character rejects his advances and lacks either the time or the inclination to play with her daughter - and yet, the relationship falling apart is presented as if it's the fault of both of them.
    • Um, did you miss the part where he showed up drunk at her work and tried to start fights? Michelle Williams' character doesn't have time to play with her daughter because her husband's lack of ambition demands that she support the family, and he tries to use sex to solve problems while ignoring their depth. He's far from perfect, and so is she. They're both flawed characters and just like in real life, it's near impossible to pin the "blame" on either of them.
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