< Blue Gender

Blue Gender/YMMV

  • Alternate Character Interpretation - Are the humans who go nuts at the end being driven mad by Gaia, or did they just go stir crazy because Seno Miyagi declared that they would never return to Earth? Given the mystifying nature of the last episode, it's kind of hard to tell.
  • Designated Hero: At the beginning of the series, it's extremely difficult to find any of the protagonists truly likeable, because of Marlene and Second Earth's lack of empathy and indifference towards human lives, and Yuji--although he's a good person--tends to cause more harm than good in many of his actions even when he tries.
    • Gaia, the Planet Earth itself. Its motivations of creating the Blue to either depollute the planet or lower humanity's population to a manageable level is treated as sympathetic in the end despite being responsible for the gruesome deaths of billions of innocent human beings, forcing Second Earth to abandon an untold number of people to be left for dead on Earth, allowing the Blue to cause arguably more damage to the planet than the humans have ever done, and possibly causing people of Second Earth to devolve into insanity and kill themselves, rendering the purpose of Second Earth meaningless in the end. It gets no punishment for its crimes in the end.
  • Designated Villain: The leaders of the space colonies are demonized for the grave crime of wanting to leave the bug-infested Earth (which had apparently decided to kill them all itself) behind for good.
  • Esoteric Happy Ending The ending could only be considered happy if you're a severe technophobe.
  • Growing the Beard - For quite a few fans, the series improved sharply around episodes 10 and 11, when Yuji and Marlene escaped to space.
  • Internet Backdraft - Don't ask about the ending. Really, just don't.
    • Actually, the series itself seems to be a source of great Trolling on most Anime sites.
  • Magnificent Bastard - Seno Miyagi, a rare mostly benevolent example.
  • Memetic Mutation: Due to sharing his voice actor in the English Dub, comparing Yuji to Future Trunks is a common joke among viewers.
    • Because of how their mouths and core are designed, jokes about the Blue having pussies for mouths is extremely common among fans and reviewers alike. It's either funny or disturbing on how you take it.
  • Moe - Alicia
  • Nightmare Fuel - So, so much.
  • Unfortunate Character Design: The Blue. While their insectoid designs are interesting, when they open and expose their mouths it resembles a woman's vagina, which many people joke about or criticize about the anime. It goes to the point where fans called them "Pussyface Aliens", despite them not technically being aliens.
  • What an Idiot: A common complain in the fandom is that the characters and storyline tend to involve so many stupid decisions, that it's no wonder the Blue have overrun the planet and put humanity to near-extinction.
    • First of all, why have Armor Shrikes armed with separate weapons? Why not give them built-in weapons? Also, why give the Blues Eye (the Armor Shrike Marlene used when she first met Yuji) only a single gun to work with? Why just a gun, and not a melee weapon or second gun just in case? Why make such long guns if close-range combat (since the Blue are all physical-based) is almost inevitable unless your pilot is a perfect crack shot.
    • The Grappler Armor Shrike. It's a large, bulky and powerful Armor Shrike made for engaging the Blue in hand-to-hand combat and has enough strength to damage and restrain them with their bare hands so that a teammate can shoot them. Not actually a bad machine on paper...except for the fact that A) the pilots are exposed and are clearly visible in the cockpit, which are placed in front of the mech, B) it has no weapons to speak of and finally C) it's piloted by two people! Yes, two people, meaning they have to cooperate while piloting to make sure they get a decent win, nevermind that the risks that come with the pilots not cooperating or getting along, and have no range options to fall upon just in case close-range combat isn't even an option (like say, a swarm of Blue). What's more, one pilot controls the arms while the other pilot controls the legs. Meaning that should one of them get killed or knocked out, the mech is either incapable of fighting or RUNNING TO SAVE IT'S PILOTS LIVES!!
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