< Bloom County
Bloom County/Funny
Bloom County
- The strip that sealed Opus' positon as an Ensemble Darkhorse: A Hare Krishna talks with Opus about prayer temples, and Opus continues to Mondegreen the Hare Krishna's mentions of prayer temples into "Pear Pimples for Hairy Fishnuts."
- One strip has Dallas chatting up someone whom he thinks is an old friend of his named Ralph, and mentioning an old flame named Betsy Pringle. The strip ends with "Ralph" screaming, "My name is Sylvia, not Ralph... and I hope Besty Pringle kicks you right in your *@!! hot lips!"
- Several from the 1984 Meadow Party campaign:
- Limekiller being asked how he stands on nuclear waste: he lifts his foot.
- Opus gives a speech, but due to a glitched Teleprompter, he says, "Grblb blabt unt mipt speeb! Oot pifoo blaboo..." then makes an 0.o face and asks for someone to give the Teleprompter a swift kick.
- A Texan armadillo representative for the Meadow Party talks about his rowdy activities... to a Moral Majority representative.
"I meant ropes some fillies in the strictly biblical sense."
- The Convention being sponsored by MTV playing Judas Priest over the whole proceedings.
- For this troper, it was Mr. Limekiller flippantly referring to his campaign party as "A black, a woman, two dips, and a cripple". Cue Oliver Wendell Jones, Yaz Pistachio, Milo, Binkley, and Cutter John, all face palming and glaring at him.
- The US festival which features Van Halen lifting Opus and enciting a riot, Opus trying to install a Polka Day, and a band so entrenched with product placement the lead singers dressed up as a can of spray deodorant.
- Opus doing a The Prince and the Pauper switch with Michael Jackson. Really.
- When the characters go on stike, Oliver gets a gangster rapping scab replacment. "Bite a bone, grab da phone, I be Ollie Wendell Jone'." The father then turns to the Fourth Wall and says "Ah be feelin mighty sore if dis strike last too much more."
- From Breathed's commentary in the second volume of the Complete Library, referring to a punchline censored by White-Out: "Finally, I can reveal what lay beneath the liquid paper: 'THEY CAN GO F*** THEMSELVES.' It feels so nice to be releasing a book for adults where I can print that word in its bold entirety, uncensored by idiot editors."
- Opus and Binkley's Father's Day song.
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