Blockhead is a Web Animation series found on Newgrounds created by Michael Swain. The series follows Cloudcuckoolander extraordinaire Blockhead as he wreaks havoc everywhere he goes. Along for the ride is a fat balding man credited as his Conscience, who is only able to watch as his host ruins everything he goes near.
While mostly a comedic series, there was a miniseries titled "Time Squad", in which Blockhead goes along on a time travelling sci-fi adventure to stop a Mad Scientist from causing The End of The Universe.
To give you an idea of what Blockhead is like, he did these things in the space of an hour; Scared his neighbours and the mailman, broke his T.V., stole a new one, caused thousands of dollars worth of property damage while stealing said T.V, caused havoc at a nearby primary school, evaded the FBI for about four minutes, got thrown into prison, caused a riot, escaped from prison, destroyed a russian spce station, and then went home. It has also been strongly implied that Blockhead is in fact hundreds of years old in Time Squad, and that he's a genetic experiment to create the ultimate saboteur in Blockhead: the Game. Either way, everything he touches, breaks.
The series can be found here.
- Art Evolution: The art and animation gets incredibly good later on.
- Big Bad: Time Squad has the mad scientist.
- Captain Ersatz: The Conscience is quite obviously channeling Carl, which works quite well.
- Continuity Nod: The Scientist cameos in Blockhead: "The Game" before he turned evil.
- Chaotic Stupid: Blockhead is the living embidiment of this trope taken Up to Eleven
- Cloudcuckoolander: Blockhead, like you couldn't believe.
- Companion Cube: In episode 10, Blockhead's goal is to create a fake turtle out of random pieces of trash.
- Deadpan Snarker: The Conscience.
- The Ditz: To the extreme.
- Driven to Suicide: The Conscience kills himself whenever he can no longer tolerate Blockhead's oustanding stupidity.
- This happens several times in the series, and is the Game Over animation in Blockhead: "The Game".
- Five-Man Band: In the Time Squad short:
- The Hero: The Cop
- The Lancer: The Time Cop
- The Big Guy: The Cyborg, later The Champion
- The Smart Guy / The Chick: The Curator
- Blockhead is either the Tagalong Kid or The Heart.
- Hero Antagonist: Blockhead's conscience.
- Karma Houdini: Impossibly so. Because, or rather resulting of this, Swain says Blockhead is his idea of "A perfect world". Constantly lampshaded by Conscience, who is absolutely horrified that Blockhead is either still alive or not locked up somewhere.
- Man of a Thousand Voices: Swain voices all the male characters.
- Meaningful Name: He's not called Blockhead for nothing.
- Overly Long Tongue: Blockhead's tongue seems rather long.
- Person of Mass Destruction: The Conscience claims that he's the only thing preventing Blockhead from destroying everything the world holds dear.
- Psychopathic Manchild: The Conscience's first question upon hearing that Blockhead went to the park is "Did anyone die?"
- Rashomon Style: Episode 7. An odd variation, as all of the vastly different accounts are from Blockhead's perspective.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Blockhead was alive in Romania, circa 1764... somehow.
- Seemingly-Profound Fool: Blockhead in "Time Squad"
- Talkative Loon: Guess who.
- The Watcher: The Conscience.
- Too Dumb to Live: Blockhead, obviously.
- We Can Rule Together: The Scientist of Time Squad sees Blockhead as his equal since they were apparently former partners and tells him that there will always be a place for him in his Empire of Nothingness. Blockheads just wants him to Sign! His! Velociraptor!
- Villain Protagonist
- You Fail Logic Forever: In Blockhead: The Game, Blockhead searches for mooses in trash cans and sewers.
- You Mean Ghostmas