< Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce

Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce/Playing With

Basic Trope: REALLY spicy sauce.

  • Played Straight: Awesome Sauce is spicy enough to be really painful and cause those who eat it to breathe flames.
  • Exaggerated: Awesome Sauce can a) eat through solid rock and/or b) cause objects to go up in flames just by being near it. It is made with exotic peppers from deep in the jungles of South or Central America, and said peppers are illegal in several countries.
  • Justified: Awesome Sauce is the brainchild of a Cloudcuckoolander with too much time on his/her hands...and too many chili peppers.
  • Inverted: Awesome Sauce freezes everything it comes in contact with, not unlike liquid nitrogen.
  • Subverted: Awesome Sauce gives off smoke and eats through the table and plates, but the diners eat it with no ill effects whatsoever.
  • Double Subverted: Then they get stomach ulcers or spontaneously combust.
  • Parodied:
    • In order to handle Awesome Sauce, one has to wear a full Hazmat suit and be certified in the proper handling and disposal of hazardous material.
    • Before requesting Awesome Sauce (or anything made with it), one has to sign a waiver. With a lawyer and two witnesses present.
    • Bob eats Awesome Sauce, is horribly burned from the inside out (to the point where his organs and tissues begin to melt a la the atomic-bomb victims in Barefoot Gen), and he comments on how great the sauce is.
  • Deconstructed: If the sauce is that spicy, it can cause serious health problems in those who consume it.
  • Reconstructed:
    • The makers of Awesome Sauce use only enough spice to give a pleasant heat, not sear off the diners' taste buds and mucous membranes. People like it, and they can continue to eat it because it doesn't burn their insides. They like it better because they can actually, you know, taste something besides pain!
    • Alternatively, it's used for purposes other than food, such as a weapon.
  • Zig Zagged: Sometimes Awesome Sauce has the effects of Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce (aka Hollywood Hot Sauce), other times, it's treated like normal hot sauce.
  • Lampshaded: "EEEEEEEEYYYYOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! That is one spicy sauce!"
  • Averted:
  • Enforced: Rule of Funny, wanting to show that this is REALLY hot sauce
  • Invoked: The maker of Awesome Sauce adds in the hottest kinds of chili peppers known to mankind (and a few known to demons), burning primal rage, plutonium, fresh lava from Mt. Kilauea, uranium, and...one whole peppercorn.
  • Defied: The maker of Awesome Sauce doesn't want to cause mass destruction or medical problems with his/her product, and so does not add in anything crazy, and does not use large amounts of incredibly hot peppers.
  • Discussed: "How can they eat that stuff?!"
  • Conversed: "I know...you'd think something like that would be deadly..."
  • Played For Laughs: While playing video games one afternoon, Bob orders his girlfriend, Alice to go "make me a sammich!". Alice, not appreciating the sexism inherent in being ordered around as such, decides that she'll get back at him...by adding a douse of Awesome Sauce to the sandwich. Unfortunately for Alice, it turns out that Bob really likes it.
  • Played For Drama: The sauce causes injury or death.

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